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WinterSpider. Peter is 20.


Peter's POV.

I was getting ready to head into Buckys room around 11 after everyone was asleep. Nobody knew about us being together and we preferred it this way. I mean we couldn't deny it if somebody asks, but nobody does. 

I walked into Bucky's room to find a note.

Dear Peter,

Please meet me outside in the gardens.


Hmm wonder why I need to meet him there. I think heading out to the elevator then down to the garden. Walking outside I'm met with a chilly breeze and a soft smell of roses. I walk around the path a little finding Bucky at the swing in the back. 

Bucky's POV.

I was waiting nervously for Peter to come to the garden. Sitting at the bench I take a final look at the ring before looking up and seeing Peter. I stand up putting the ring away and greeting him. 

"Why are we out here babe? Not that I mind but."

"Right well..." I take a deep breath, "I have been thinking. We've been together for 3 years and every day I fall a little more for you. And I have realized that you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." I get down on one knee, "Peter Parker, will you marry me?" I ask holding the blue, red and black ring up. (The ring at the top).

I kneel there for a moment in the quite only able to hear the tree's rustling from the soft breeze before I'm tackled to the ground.

"Yes, yes, yes." I hear repeated in my ear. 

We stay on the ground for a moment before I sit up with Pete on my lap. I ask for his hand and put the ring on his ring finger. After I'm done, he hugs me again before helping me up. 

Peter's POV.

I was still in awe that Buck just proposed to me. We were know sitting on the swing enjoying each other's presence. I look up at him. 

"Can we go in and cuddle?" I ask yawning at the end.

"Yea, let's go babe." He says picking me up and walking inside.

"This isn't what I meant." I grumble.

"I know but your tired so, thought I'd help you out." 

"Whatever." I say relaxing into his arms. 

TIME SKIP (one week later)

It's been week since Bucky proposed and we were getting ready to tell everyone. We decided to be discreet and wear the rings around until someone noticed and asked.

Heading down to the kitchen I start making breakfast. As the team starts waking up and coming downstairs, I get some weird looks but no questions. I finished breakfast when everyone was downstairs coincidentally. 

"BREAKFAST IS DONE!" I yell bringing the food to the table. 

Everyone gathers around the table taking what they want and coming into multiple different conversations. After 10 minutes the conversations dye down. 

"Okay I have to ask. Peter why do you have a ring on your ring finger?" Tony asks.

"Oh yea. I'm engaged." I say nonchalantly. 

"TO WHO?!?" Most of the team yell.

I grab my ears, "OWW!" I yell.

"Sorry" they apologies. 

"It's fine. And I'm, " I look at bucky who shakes his head a little, "Not telling. you can guess if you want." I say smugly. 

"Come on... Tell us." Clint whines. 

"Nope you can guess." I respond grabbing some more food.

"Fine. Is it someone in the room?"


"Okay so who's single." Tony asks.

Only Sam, Nat, Bruce, Steve, Wanda and Pietro raised their hands. 

"Wait Buck, I thought you were single?" Steve asked. 

"Nope. Engaged." Bucky says with a smirk looking at me. 

"Wait..." Clint says putting the pieces together, "Peter and Bucky... Wow didn't expect that. Congrats." 

"Thanks." Me and Buck say at the same time. 

Everyone sits there in shock. Not expecting me and Bucky to be together let alone engaged. 

"Want to go train?" Buck asks. 

I look at everyone then nod bringing me dishes to sink then head down to the training room. 

3rd POV. 

The next months was a lot of planning and missions. Peter and Bucky were able to move in together officially. They invited all the avengers and their close family to their wedding 6 months later. It was small but that's how they preferred it. Small and family based.

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