Thank you again @Spy122
Part 2 to Barton Twins Fight.
Peter's POV.
1 week later.
I was sitting in me and coops room working on some new equations for my Web fluid when Cooper came in. He had a huge smirk on his face.
"Hey Pete... You remember when you said you have access to the tower?" Cooper asks.
"Well want to sneak in and pull some pranks?" He asks.
"Yes. Let's go."
Cooper grabs his bag, and we head out. I swing us to close to the tower to make sure we don't get caught.
"So how do we get in?"
"We go through a window in Tony's lab." I say picking him up putting him on my back with a little bit of web fluid, "Hold on tight." I say as I start climbing the side of the tower.
"P-p-ete..." Cooper whispers clinging to me for dear life.
"Your fine. I connected you to me with some web fluid, you're not going anywhere. Plus were nearly there." I say getting closer to the window.
I open the window and crawl in allowing Cooper to get off my back.
"So, what'd you have in mind?" I ask.
Cooper pulls out a bunch of glitter motioning towards Tony's suits. I nod and go to change some names in FRIDAY'S code. Cooper also puts some glitter on Tony's work benches.
"You know dad goes through the vents. We should do something to them." I suggest.
"We should cover them in paint." Cooper says pulling out two cans of spray paint.
I grab one and hoping into the vent helping him up. I motion him to follow me, and we cover his usual entry points. We then head down to the training room covering some of his bows. We then put water buckets above everyone's' doors, so they fall when the door is opened. Then we head to common areas via vents, setting off a fart bomb.
We start to crawl away when we hear the avengers yelling.
"Who was that?" Natsha yells running out of the room.
We then hear a bunch of footsteps running out of the room. A few moments later we hear a scream.
There were a few more screams and everyone headed to Tony's lab assuming he did this. So, we follow staying in the vents watching.
"Tony did you do this?" Wanda asks motioning to her wet hair.
"Haha, No. Did you do this?" Tony says motioning to his lab.
"Pffft Haha, no it is funny though. But if you didn't do this then who did?" Wanda asks looking at everyone else.
Everyone then turns to dad.
"WHAT!?! I didn't do I swear guys. Ask FRIDAY she probably saw something." Dad says.
"Shoot. I forgot about FRIDAY. Let's get out of here." I say.
We crawl towards an outside vent entrance, and I have Cooper get on my back and I web him, swinging back home.
Clint's POV.
"FRIDAY what happened?" Tony asks.
'You have been pranked Tin Can Man.'
"By who?" I ask.
'That is unknown Birdy.'
"Shouldn't you have seen them if they were in the building?" Wanda asks.
'I could see them, but I couldn't tell who they were, Miss witchy.'
"Can you at least pull up the footage?" Bruce asks.
'I cannot Mr. Genius.'
"How come all of our names are switched?" I ask finally noticing it.
"Probably who ever pulled the pranks." Stark said.
3'rd POV.
The avengers - Mosty Tony and Bruce - spent the rest of the day trying to figure out, who got into the tower and how. No matter how many cameras they search they can't tell who was in the tower.
They searched for them for a week before finally finding a small detail about the pranker. There was two of them and they were twins.

Spider-Man one-shots
RandomA bunch of Spider-Man one-shots. If you have an idea/story line you would like, please let me know. requests are welcome and open. None of the characters are mine.