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Peter and Cooper are dating, and nobody knows. But they do know that Spidey and Cooper are dating Henz why Cooper is almost always at the tower and has his own room.

Peter and Cooper are 18 and 19. 


Peter's POV.

I was hanging out at the tower with Cooper. We were sitting in one of the love seats cuddling. I was hoping to have a nice time with my boyfriend before I had to leave.  

"Babe you've got to get ready to go." Cooper says looking up at me. 

"Noooooo." I whine.

"Babes. I know you don't want to leave but you can't keep your dad waiting." He replied as Steve walks in.

"What is Spidey complaining about?" He asks. 

"His dad called him not to long ago asking him to come home and he said he would be in 20 minutes. It's been 20 minutes and he still hasn't left yet." Cooper explains to Cap.

"It's fine he can wait." I say, and cooper gives me a look. 

"You really should get going Spidey, especially if you told him a time and it's already past that time." Cap says. 


I give Cooper a look, "Fine... I'll be back in probably 2 hours max..." I grumble getting up. 

I swing out of the tower to a nearby alleyway. Before walking back into the tower as Peter Parker. I greet the front desk lady a bit grumpy. Walking into the elevator going to my dad's lab. 

"What do you want dad." I say angrily. 

"Geeze why you in such a bad mood? Also, why the heck are you so late? You said you'd be back in 20 minutes." He says. 

"I had to leave a very calming place that won't be there when I get back and I'm late cause I didn't want to come. Now what do you want?" 

"I was wondering if you could go to this meeting with Fury and the Avengers for me?" He asks with a smile. 

"Seriously? You couldn't have just asked me over the phone?!? AND NO!"

"Please Pete.... I'll let you use or destroy anything in the lab." 

"Even your suits?" I ask rethinking it. 

He sighs, "Even my suits." He says defeated. 

"Fine. Was that all you needed?" 

"I need some help with these equations to." He points me to the equations. 

I walk over solving them. It takes 10 minutes, then I walk out back to the alleyway changing, heading back to the tower. I swing through the window seeing Cooper talking with his dad, and Steve in the kitchen. I walk over hugging him.

"Our date is still on for tonight, right?" I say our code, just loud enough for Steve and Clint to hear. 

"Yea, can you still make it?" 

"Yea, I'm just not going to go to a meeting." I say finishing our secret conversation. 

"Just don't get in trouble. And meet in my room?" I nod.

"Spidey you shouldn't skip meetings. Especially ones with Fury."

"It's fine. I'll have someone fill me in."

 "Fury won't be happy Spidey."

I shrug, "Oh well, he can deal."

"You just dug your own grave kid. But want lunch?" Steve asks. 

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