Peter's Feild Trip (Peter's Bad Day pt. 2)

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This a part 2 to Peter's Bad day.

Peter goes on a field trip to his own house. Loki had tagged along again to help Peter not get picked on by his family as much.


Peter's POV.

I was currently sitting on a bus heading to the place that I just left. Loki was around my neck as a snake again. Ned was next to me rambling about possibly meeting the avengers. MJ was across from us nose in her book not caring about where we're going. 

"Alright class. Remember the rules I told you about earlier. Now let's head in." Mr. Harrington said hopping off the bus.

Walking in we were met by and intern who started passing out our badges. She finished passing them out, but she didn't give me one. She gave me a confused look. Loki noticed and hissed so she left me alone. One of my classmates noticed that her badge was a different color and asked about that.

"Well, you all have level one which is light green. This is for tour groups and paparazzi. You only have access to the public floors. Level two, which is light pink is for newer interns.  Level 3 is peach and for businesspeople that have access to the business levels. Level 4 is light blue and is for tour guides and low-level employees like janitors. We have access to floors that we need, this is changing a lot depending on what we're doing. Level 5 is lavender and for Lab leads and SHEILD personnel. Level 6 is for the avengers that don't visit here often and are in their logo or colors. It is also for all of the avengers' families. Level 7 is for the avenges that are here often this level is also printed in their logo or color. Level 8 is for Mr. Stark-Rodges family, and they don't need a pass as they are recognized by FRIDAY Mr. Stark-Rodges AI that runs the building. So, if we have no more questions let's move over to the security gate and scan in." They say herding us to the gate.

Everyone scanned in flawlessly. When it came to me, I started walking straight through.

"Why doesn't Parker have a badge?" Flash yelled.

Loki hissed and I had to calm him down before heading through.  

'Welcome Peter you are back early. I have informed boss. He will be down soon and is not happy you are skipping school.' FRIDAY says with what I swear is a mocking tone.

"PETER! You better have a good explanation as to why you're not at school." Dad yelled making me wince slightly. 

"I have a field trip Mr. Stark. I wasn't skipping school promise." I say while Loki is glaring at dad.

Dad looks around for a minute noticing a bunch of kids that are my class. He looks back at me and gives a little apology to me then walks away. Loki laying back down on my shoulder.

"Sorry about that. Can we get on with the tour?" I apologize and head to the back of the group.

The tour guide brings us to the elevator, and we go to the avenger's museum. getting out of the elevator the tour guide tells us we have 45 minutes here and that we can go explore. Me, Ned and MJ all stay together going to Nat's, Wanda's, cases before looking around at all the other cases. 

"Dude look there's a Spider-Man case." Ned says walking over to the case.

"Wow didn't know they had one." 

Reading the information in the case was little.

'Spider-Man is incredibly smart. He rivals Tony and Bruce's IQ.

He is stronger and faster than Steve and Bucky.

He has this extra sense that alerts him of danger.

His senses are dilled up to 11 so when there is a bright light or to loud of a sound, he has a sensory overload.

That's all that is known about Spider-Man at the moment.'

"Wow they know nothing about you." MJ says looking up from her book.

"W-w-what? You mean Spider-Man right?"

"No, I mean you. I mean you're not the best at hiding it." I nod at this statement shocked she found out.

Suddenly my Spidey sense went off and I looked up at the vents hearing uncle clint. I push MJ to the side following her as Uncle Clint falls out of the vent.

"Hey Pete. A little help?" Uncle Clint greets.

"What'd you do?" I ask 

"I might of stole Nat's favorite gun..." Clint mumbles hiding behind me when the elevator opens.

"Clint give me back my gun and I might spare you." Aunt Nat says calmly with a smirk on her face.

"Can't help you, their buddy." I say seeing how mad Aunt Nat is.

Clint jumps back into the vent, "Hey Pete. Seen Clint anywhere?" She asks

As she asks, I notice a weight in my back pocket, reaching back I pull out Aunt Nat's gun. I hand it to her, and she seems happier.

"Yea he hopped into the vents."

"Okay thanks. Oh, and Stark is planning on doing a Q & A with this tour group and everyone that's here." Aunt Nat says walking away.

The tour guide called us back and we headed to the labs. In the labs FRIDAY tells us to head to one of the business rooms. Walking in we all sit down and wait. Shortly after the avengers walk in and tell us a bit about themselves. The dad asks for any questions.

"Why isn't Spider-Man here?" Someone in the front asks. 

"Well Spider-Man doesn't live in the tower and he only visits at night." Dad answers

The questions continue on for a while before we have to head back to school. Dad holds me back telling the teacher it would eb point less for me to go back to school just to come here again. The teacher was so shocked that he nodded and left. 

The rest of the day I worked in the labs with dad. After dinner we all watched movies for the majority of the night. 

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