Peter's POV.
I was swinging away from Toomes to think of a new plan. I had Ned and Karen checking the cameras for any danger from Toomes. I started talking to Ned about the fight and an easy way to get Toomes out of the city. While talking I was going in and out of conciseness, so I didn't see the building I just crashed through.
Getting some energy back I looked around seeing the avengers. Who had been after me for the past month.
"Dude... Code... A..." Say webbing my mask to my suit before I blacked out.
Steve's POV.
Natasha, and I were watching Clint and Sam playing Mario cart and yelling at each other. Right as their game ended someone, or something crashed through the window. I heard that FRIDAY alerted all the rest of the team. I got in a defensive stance and once the dust settled, we saw the figure.
"Dude... Code... A..." I heard him say webbing his mask to his suit then he went limp.
"Is he okay?" I ask carefully walking over to his body.
"Careful we don't know his motives." Sam says coming up behind me.
"STEP AWAY FROM THE SPIDER." A female voice comes from the suit.
"What?" I ask as the others come out of the elevator.
"YOU HEARD ME GRANDPA." The same voice says.
"Karen that's mean." This time a male voice said.
"I don't care, it's true." Teh female voice said.
"Someone want to tell me what's going on?" Tony asks from inside his suit.
"I that true?" Bruce said going over to help the injured Spider. He waves me over to grab him, but I can't lift him.
"I guess. The only thing we know is that he crashed through the window, webbed his mask then went limp." Clint said. Me, Nat and Sam nodded.
"We need to get him to the med bay. Umm Ma'am is there any way you can help us?" Bruce asks the suit.
"THERE IS N-" "I can make him stop sticking to the floor so you can carry him, that's all I can do." The male said.
"Okay that will help. Thanks. Steve, can you carry him?" Bruce asks.
I nod picking up the boy this time and bringing him into the elevator to the med bay. After setting him down Bruce asks for me to leave so he can work.
Karen's POV.
As the avengers were talking, I was hacking FRIDAY. I got in once Peter was in the med bay being treated. I was spying on the avengers when they stared talking about putting Pete in a cell.
'That is not a smart idea.' I chime in. Everyone looks around confused and ready to fight, 'Chill it's just me Karen. I'm Spider-Man's friend.' I add trying to calm them.
"How'd you get in?" Clint asked.
'I'm not in I have just gotten into the system and am making sure Spidey will be safe when he wakes up.'
"How'd you get into my system? There un-hackable." Stark says infuriated.
'It was quite simple Stark. It helps when you're an Artificial intelligence and are already inside the building. But going back on topic Spidey will get out if you put him in a cell. Not only will he get out he will be mad for being in a cell.' I finish.
"He'll only be in a cell till we figure out that he's not a threat." Grandpa says.
'Whatever. I'm leaving no goodbye." I say going back to Peter while keeping eyes on the camera.
'Peter are you alright.' I ask.
Peter gives the motion for yes. This indicates to me that he is 'asleep' and can't move/talk.
"Peter you, okay?" Ned asks
'Yes, he is. He is wanting to appear to be sleeping to doctor Banner.' I fill Ned in.
After Ned asked Peter a bunch of questions for him to respond to with small eye movements Peter pretended to stir.
Peter's POV.
I have been talking with Ned and Karen before I felt the webbing around the edge of my mask start to dissolve. I then started to stir so I could keep the mask on. I slowly sat up pretending to wake.
"Spidey your up. How are you feeling?" Banner asked.
"Better, thanks for the help, Dr. Banner." I say going to stand.
"You shouldn't stand. You have a concussion." Banner says pushing me back down.
"I'm fine, I need to stop him." I say pushing past Bruce heading towards the elevator.
"Can you at least answer some of their questions? If you don't, you'll probably be hunted and put in a cell until you do." Bruce explains.
"Karen?" I ask quietly.
'He is telling the truth. They were planning to put you in a cell before giving you medical attention.' Karen explains with Ned making a sound of agreement.
"Fine. I'll answer the questions but ONLY what I'm comfortable with." Bruce nods and gets in the elevator with me.
Burce brings me up to the common area and told me to sit down while he got the others up here. Tony then started freaking out and rushed into the living room to see if I had done anything. After seeing I was just sitting there, he sat down waiting for the others. The others got there, and the questions began. It was going fine until they asked, "Why is the Vulture after you?"
"I think this is where I take my leave." I say getting up and going to the elevator.
"FRIDAY lock down the common floor." Tony says.
FRIDAY didn't respond nor did she lock down the common floor. I then asked if Karen had hacked FRIDAY to allow me to leave. She didn't respond right away and when she did, I could hear a smirk in her tone.
I left and went to fight Vulture. It took a long time, but I managed to bring the vulture to justice. The next month the avengers tried to get me to join the team. I declined until they brought up not needing to revel my identity and that I could move in. This time I agreed. I mean it was better than living on the streets.

Spider-Man one-shots
RandomA bunch of Spider-Man one-shots. If you have an idea/story line you would like, please let me know. requests are welcome and open. None of the characters are mine.