Menace or Hero?

269 7 1

Peter is 17

Steve x Bucky


Avengers POV (3rd Pov)

Everyone that was within the tower was called for a meeting. Tony as usual walks in late with a cup of coffee.

"Thank you for being here Stark."

"What's the point of this meeting?" Stark asks already wanting to leave.

"I was getting to that. I need you all to bring in Spider-Man. He is a menace and needs to be put behind bars." Fury states.

"Okay. How much trouble could one bug give us." Clint states. 

Fury then walks out giving us time to make a plan.

"So why don't we all go. Just in case he is trouble." Steve says. 

Everyone agrees, "FRIDAY can you alert us when Spider-Man is out." 

'Of course, he is actually out now swinging around Queens.'

"Let's head out." Steve says.

Peter's POV.

I was swinging around trying to find a new place to put my stuff. The last spot got compromised. I need to rest. I think exhausted. I find a place to sit. I haven't had a good meal in a while, I've had to drop out of school. Nobody's left, what's the point? I sit there stuck in my thoughts when I hear thrusters and a bunch of feet. So, I stand up and swing away. 

I don't have enough energy to fight them today.

Avengers POV. (3rd pov)

After Spider-Man swings away they all stand there confused. 

"Should we go after him?" Sam asks. 

"No, we'll get him another time. I think we might need a better plan though." Clint responds. 

"I agree. Let's head back to make a better plan."

TIME SKIP (1 week)

Sitting on a building. I have no energy. All I can do is sit here. Thankfully there is nothing happening, because I've been able to get the crime rate to an all-time low. 

After some time of sitting here I hear the thrusters and feet again. 

"Spider-Man we need you to come with us." Iron Man says.

"Will I get some food?" I just barely turn my head to look at them. 

They look at each other confused. When they look back at me Natasha responds. 


"Then I don't care what you do with me." I respond.

Hawkeye cautiously approaches me. I raise my hands showing I really don't care anymore.

"How do you get your webs?" Stark asks. 

"My web shooters."

"How do they come off?" Hawkeye asks?

"Can I?" I ask.

He nods. I slowly move to detach them before handing them to him. After he has them, he puts me in cuffs. 

"Let's go." He helps me up off the roof. 

They all walk around me. Some with weapons drawn some not. They then put me into this large car. It takes a while before we get to the avenger's tower. They bring me and I see some people, people I've helped, give me looks of pity. Ignoring them we get into the elevator. 

The ride was silent. We get to the floor where Loki was kept. Hawkeye brings me into the cell, unlocking the handcuffs before heading back to the door. 

"Could I get some food soon?" I ask not sure how much longer I could go. 

"I'll get someone to bring some down." He says leaving and locking the door. 

Once I'm sure he's gone I take off my mask. I really don't care anymore.

Natasha's POV

We just got Spider-Man into the cell where Loki was kept. Clint comes back into the common room. 

"Anyone want to bring the Spider some food?"

When nobody responds, "I will." I say.

I then head to the kitchen to make him some food. 

Grabbing the sandwich, I head down to the cells. I get to the floor and see a teenage boy in Spider-Mans suit. He looks so malnourished. 

"Are you okay?" I ask as I enter the cell.

"I'm fine. Thank you for the food." He says taking the food.

"How old are you."

He hesitates, "17."

"What's your name?"

"Peter Parker-Barnes."

"Barnes?" I ask confused.

"Yea it's my dad's last name. He doesn't know about me though."

"Did HYDRA take you?" 

He flinches, "Yea. They froze me just like my dad and 'uncle'. I escaped a few years ago after a mission."

"Why don't you come upstairs with me. You shouldn't be in a cell." 

"You sure?" He asks a bit of hope in his eyes. 

"Yea let's go." I hold my hand out for him.

He takes it and we walk to the elevator and head upstairs. When the elevator opens and the team sees I'm not alone but with a teenager they go on guard.

"Who is this Nat?" Clint asks. 

I noticed Steve and Bucky stiffen up noticing Peter. Peter did the same. 

"You can go say hi. They talk about you all the time." I whisper so just he can hear. 

"This is Peter." I say as he walks over to Steve and Bucky.

Peter's POV.

I was walking over to Steve and my dad. 

"Hi." I say quietly.

Dad wraps me in a hug.

"Your alive?" He asks when he pulls back.

"Yea." I leave out that I was at HYDRA to. 

"Pete, do you remember Steve?" I nod, "He's my boyfriend now." He says. 

I hug Steve, "Glad you were able to get together finally. Happy to have a papa." I smile a little.

The rest of the team looks confused before dad explains who I am. 

3rd POV.

This is when the entire team realizes the Peter a.k.a Spider-Man is a hero not a menace. This was all told to Fury who got Jamison to lay off of Spider-Man and he was able to patrol, go back to school and have a place to stay.

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