Peter Has a Kid?!?!

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SpideyPool, don't read if you don't like. Pheonix knows that Peter is Spidey but not Wade being Deadpool.


Peter's POV.

I was sitting a meeting with avengers. It was a very boring meeting about our next mission. Just as it was ending, my phone went off. I ignored it not thinking it was mine.

"Peter is that your phone?" Tony asks. I reach into my pocket to see it was in fact my phone. Looking at the collar id I see it was Phenix, My daughter. I quickly answer it.

"Hey whatcha need? Are you okay?" I ask very concerned because she usually only texts me.

"Yea I'm fine dad. I was just wondering if you could pick me up today but y how long it took you to pick up and how you didn't say sweetie, I'm assuming you're in a meeting so it's fine."

"I was but if you want me to, I can pick you up, it's no problem at all." I say looking that the time seeing that I'll have to leave soon if I want to make it.


"Yea of course."

"Thanks dad you're the best. Love you"

"Love you to sweetie see you in a bit." I hang up and see all the avengers looking at me with smug looks.

"So, who's the lucky lady."

"I'm gay." I say straight out seeing as nobody really cares. (Steve and Tony are dating)

"Oh, so who's the lucky man then?" Steve asked

"You all hate him."

"Deadpool? You're dating Deadpool?" Clint yells

"Yep, but I have to go. So, I'll see you all later." I say jumping in the elevator with Tony's keys.


I got to Phoenixes school and wait by the door for her.  The bell rang and a few seconds later she came out. She was talking with her friends all happy, then this boy came over and her smile faltered but went right back to smiling.  The boy then started picking on her. This made me furious. I got out of the car and stormed over to them.

 I heard the boy say, "Why don't you go kill yourself. It won't matter your just a poor orphan."

"Hey! Shut up" I say to the boy then turn to Phoenix, "Are you okay? Why don't you go to the car, and I'll deal with them."

"Oh so you have your 'big brother' sticking up for you now." the boy said this made me even madder.

"Dad! Leave it. I'm fine, can we just go home?"

"No it's not fine. I know what it's like, I'm not letting you go through the same. Now go and wait in the car I'll be there in a moment." I turn to the boy, "Now where are your parents?" The boy starts to freak out and leads me to their car. I knock on the window, "Hi-FLASH!?!"

"Hey Peter, long time no see."

"Yea. Umm this is weird now, but your son was bulling my daughter. I just thought I'd let the parent know. I'll see you around." I say walking away.

I hear Flash yelling at his son and telling him to get in the car and that we'll talk more at home. I feel bad but at the same time it needs to be solved. I get back to car to see Phoenix standing in the same spot. Right, I took a different car.

I roll down the window and yell, "Phoenix get in."

She walks over not knowing what to think.

"Is this yours?" She asks.

"Nope. So, we should probably go return it to Tony-" 

"Tony as in TONY  STARK?" I nod, "So I get to meet the avengers?"

"Yep, now let's go."


Tony's POV.

"Hey we should follow Peter." Clint says.

"Sure lets go." I say and go to grab my keys but their not there.

"Well are you coming?" Clint yells back.

"We can't he has my keys."

"Really a Billionaire only has one set of car keys for his what 20 cars." Clint says, 


"Well guess we just have to wait."


Peter's POV.

I walk into the tower with Pheonix who can barely control her excitement. Walking in we get a lot of weird looks and glances. We, well I paired no attention to them. I don't think that Phoenix did either. 

In the elevator, 'Hello Peter what floor would you like to go to?' FRIDAY asks.

"Whatever floor Tony's on." 'Alright'

"Dad what was that?"

"Thats Tony's personal AI, FRIDAY. She runs the entire building. I'll have Tony put you in the system so you can come here when you need."

"Cool. What about Papa?"

"Well... Tony and most of the Avengers don't like him. So, he is banned from the tower, but I think with them knowing that we are together that Tony will change his access."

"Oh, but why don't they like him?" 

"Well..." What do I say? "I think your papa should tell you."


The rest of the ride up to wherever tony is. It didn't take long thankfully. All the avengers were sitting in the living room waiting for us.

"Hey everyone what's up. Oh and Tony here's your keys." I say tossing him the keys.

"Well so where have you been?" Steve asks

"I was picking up my daughter Pheonix."


"Hi...." Pheonix says cowering behind me. 

"Hi, I'm Natasha." Nat starts whispering, "One of the only sane people here besides you dad and Wanda." This makes Pheonix giggle.

"Hey Nat, would you show Pheonix around?" I ask

"Sure lets go." Nat says reaching her hand out for Pheonix to take.

Pheonix looks up to me for confirmation. I just give her a nod and she takes Nat's hand. They walk away and Wanda follows them. 

"So that is your daughter? She looks nothing like you." Clint comments

"Yes, that is my daughter and she looks more like my husband but is a mix of the both of us." I say getting a little annoyed.

All the avengers started asking questions.

"ENOUGH! I'm starting to get a headache from all the noise. Now all the answers will be answered by Pheonix if she wants to answer them." 

I hear a bunch of 'fines' and 'okay geez'. After 20 minutes Pheonix, Nat and Wanda.

"That was amazing. It's so big and high tech. I can't believe that my dad works here."  Pheonix says a little out of breath.

Nat notices all of us staring at them, "Oh Tony would you unban Deadpool." 

"WHAT? WHY?" Tony yells.

"Because if Pheonix is going to come here whenever I think that her papa needs to be able to come here whenever as well."

"But you know what happened last time."

"I don't care."

"Just give him restricted access. Only able to go in the common areas, Pheonix and mines room, nowhere else." I but in.

"Fine" Tony mumbles grabbing his stark pad.

"There now all three of you have access to the tower. With Deadpool only able to go in the common areas, Pheonix and yours's rooms."


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