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Peter lives on his own.

Peter's POV.

Tonight is such a boring night.  Nothing exciting is happening. So here I am sitting on a roof at 2 in the morning waiting. Tomorrows Saturday so I don't have to worry about school. I do have work but that's at 10 so I'll be fine. 

"AHHHHHHHH" A high pitched voice yells.  

Quickly I swing down to the sound and see a women laying unconscious with a little girl next to her and a man with a gun. I land down between the women and the man.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size." I quip webbing the gun from the mans hands before webbing him to the wall. 

Quickly making sure he can't move before going to help the woman. 

"Hey sweetie... could you tell me what happened?" I ask applying pressure to the wound, while Karen contacts the police. 

"W-we were walking h-home when m-mommy an-and I got pulled o-off the sidewalk. H-he started a-asking m-m-mommy for money and her wa-wallet. M-mommy didn't want to give it to him so he-he pulled out a gun and shot her..." She says crying.

"Come her sweetie." I say holding my other arm out for her giving her a hug, "Do you have nay family nearby?" I ask. 

She accepts the hug but shakes her head. Finally. I think. 


"Spidey what happened?" A medic asks while they take over.

"A mugging. She was shot before I got here..." I mumble the last part as they take her away on a cart. 

"Spidey, we need to talk to the girl." An officer says. 

I nod letting go of her and going to stand up, but she doesn't let go. 

"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask. 

"Do-don't leave me p-please." She whispers. 

"I won't. But you need to talk with this nice officer about what happened. I'll stay with you the entire time." I reassure. 

"Okay... can we see mommy?" The second part being so faint I barely hear her.

"Let's head into my car and we can talk."

"After can we go see her mom?" I ask as we walk over.

The officer gives me a knowing look but agrees non the less. 

"I'm officer brown, and this is Spider-Man or Spidey. What's your name?" 

"Nikita Stagg." 

"Nice to meet you. Do you have any family nearby?" Nikita shakes her head, "How old are you?" 


"Okay, I'll find someone you can stay with, but in the meantime can you tell me what happened?"

Nikita explains the same thing she did to me to the officer. 

"Thank you. Do you want to go see your mom?" 

"Yes please."

"Are you tagging along Spidey?" At this Nikita looks up.

"I said I wouldn't leave so yea." I say smiling at Nikita. 


The officer dropped us off allowing me to bring Nikita in to see her mom. 

"Hi how ca- Oh Spider-Man what brings you here?" 

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