Chapter 5

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Chapter 5, old fried dough sticks

    Lin Qingyan hurriedly turned around to seal his mouth and waved them out.

    The two green hairs were stunned and nodded quickly. Sister Yan didn't look normal today.

    Another green hair scolded him, what's wrong with you, "You fucking know Sister Yan for so many years, she is normal and we will be beaten

    to death today." Yes, Sister Yan is a living ancestor when she is normal. ancestors.

    Jiang Xian's eyes did not look away, and he still looked at the writing, his voice was low and emotionless, and he said: "Nosy" The

    fan was blocking the sun outside the window, and Lin Qingyan leaned his face on his arm. I don't understand what Jiang Xian means by meddling with other things, but I just feel that the other party only has a few words and a few words to come out.

    Maybe not only was he dull and taciturn, but he also stuttered and

    suddenly felt that the dazzling light behind him was obscured. Lin Qingyan turned around and saw the two green hairs.

    The other party looked at her excitedly and motioned to open the window.

    "What's the matter?" The two could face the people in the original body's memory. It is the original two friends who have been in the same class since kindergarten, fighting and making trouble together.

    If she is King Yama, they will be green hair impermanence. Lin Qingyan looked complicated: "When did you dye it?" The

    original body remembered the summer vacation, when the two of them were quite normal.

    "Sister Yan, isn't it good-looking, we went to dye it the day before yesterday, and the boss didn't ask for our money." With beautiful eyebrows, it was Xiao Pap Pap Ju Neng.

    "I guess it depends on you..." Without saying the word "poor", Lin Qingyan changed his rhetoric: "Look at your face."

    "Oh, how could our face be as big as your sister Yan." Zhou Mai replied embarrassedly, He is a little thinner.

    Wu Ji is another fat boy, "Sister Yan, we have something to tell you."

    Lin Qingyan was afraid that Jiang Xian would be too noisy, so the other party turned around and added a noisy label to himself, and then the system would definitely shout about dismantling it again. Forget it.

    "I'll go out and talk." Just as he was about to pick up the fan to close the window, Wu Ji asked aloud.

    "Sister Yan, come out." He looked at Lin Qingyan with hope.

    "Just jump out, why is Sister Yan so troublesome?" As if the original body was used to jumping, Wu Ji and Zhou Mai stared at them as if they were encouraging their children to learn to walk.

    Lin Qingyan's hand supporting the window sill was slightly startled, um... "That's right, I'm not feeling well today."

    I don't want to jump, I can't jump, and if I force me to turn my face

    , Zhou Mai has a sad face, "I understand Sister Yan, then this matter. I guess it's not suitable to tell you."

    Wu Ji patted his chest and said with great loyalty: "Let me and Lao Zhou handle this matter, sister Yan, don't worry, take care of your body." It seems that

    Lin Qingyan can't be cured. As if they were sick, the two of them, after a good deal of condolences, immediately pulled each other and ran away when they saw the grade director.

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