Chapter 36

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Chapter 36, I dreamed of you

    Originally, the system didn't quite believe Lin Qingyan's words, but after thinking about it, it didn't work anymore.

    He can only ask aggrievedly: "Really?"

    Lin Qingyan nodded: "Really, you see him like this, isn't it a precursor to increasing his sensitivity?" The

    system looked up at him according to the words, Jiang Xian's eyebrows were deep Without any superfluous feelings, a suppressed suffocation came over him.

    System: " it"

    It hopes that there is at least one male protagonist who can more or less add two more favorability points to the face of the bell, otherwise it will feel that it is useless.

    After all, when it first came to this world, it boasted about how important this bell was to the host, and now it is no wonder that the host looked at it so strangely.

    At the end of school in the evening, Lin Qingyan was holding her schoolbag and waiting for Jiang Xian to take her to the hospital, when a figure fell from the side.

    A familiar voice sounded: "Sister Qingyan, I have something to tell you."

    Lin Qingyan looked up and saw that it was Su Tong, and said

    boredly, "Speak here." Su Tong couldn't hold his face, "please come out with me. , can you?"

    Jiang Xian on the side, as if he didn't see Su Tong, got up and pulled Lin Qingyan's wrist, frowned and asked, "Don't want to go with me?

    " Su Tong who was standing.

    Fortunately, the system is not here, or else I will cry to death again. And now that the plot has become like this, Lin Qingyan is more or less guilty.

    Jiang Xian still didn't look at Su Tong, put his hand on Lin Qingyan's left ear, and slowly turned towards him. His eyes were suspicious, as if he didn't understand why the other party always looked at others.

    "If you go late, there will be no medicine." Jiang Xian's lips opened and closed, and it took a long time to hold back such a sentence, intending to attract Lin Qingyan's heart.

    Lin Qingyan, who pursed his lips and looked pensive, still didn't understand where he looked like someone who was bribed by a bottle of medicine on the way out of the school gate.

    After getting in the car, Jiang Xian kept looking in Lin Qingyan's direction, his fingers curled up and then relaxed, trying his best to adjust his voice. "What's your relationship with her?"

    Lin Qingyan scratched his eyebrows with his fingertips, "It shouldn't matter."

    Speaking of which, their relationship is really too complicated. It is probably the relationship between the heroine and the vicious heroine, or the substitute and the original hero. Relationship.

    "She, always looking for you." Jiang Xian said with a cold face while rubbing the medicine bottle.

    Just as Lin Qingyan was about to swerve, he glanced at the side face of Duan Hulu, and suddenly became intrigued and said, "She, you don't know why she is looking for me!"

    Jiang Xian hummed in confusion. "I don't know."

    "Then do you know who she is?" Lin Qingyan asked tentatively.

    Jiang Xian shook his head seriously.

    He didn't know where to say what he wanted to say. Lin Qingyan pursed his lips and looked out the window to change the subject, and then began to hypocritically praise the building with blurred reflection: "It's beautiful."

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