Chapter 16

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Chapter 16, Have You Taken Medicine?

    Su Tong also didn't expect that Lin Qingyan didn't answer a word, so he could only turn his head and continue talking to Jiang Xian. "Brother Jiang, have you eaten breakfast yet?"

    "Don't bother me." Seeing that it was useless to write on the scratch paper, Jiang Xian spoke impatiently, his voice was a little low, and his tone was tired.

    "Then I'll come back later." Su Tong pinched the soft flesh of his palm with his fingernails, and stood up with a particularly bad face.

    Somewhat annoyed, Lin Qingyan glared at Lin Qingyan, thinking in her heart why she wasn't notorious for her posts, obviously she didn't deserve to be by Brother Jiang's side.

    Such a bad person would dare to talk to Brother Jiang.

    She was so embarrassed, especially when she saw that the other party was so close to Jiang Xian and Shen Mi one after another, Su Tong would only post with them to smear her in a hurry.

    He accidentally glanced at the test paper on the table, and he calmed down when he thought of the other party's always bad grades and this gambling test.

    As long as Lin Qingyan doesn't cheat in this exam, he will lose the bet. If she cheated, she's done, and she'll be criticized on the bulletin board for a week.

    Looking at her back against the wall, Su Tong thought about how to induce the other party to cheat, and then report it to the director during the final exam.

    He excitedly turned on his phone, but found that he didn't know how to contact Lin Qingyan. With a slight thought, I thought of the two thugs who often came to look for people.

    One of the two, Wu Ji, was very active in the grade group, so Su Tong added him with that trumpet.

    She remembered that this person had posted information about the exam in the group before, and it was nothing more than finding someone in the exam room to take him to copy it. Like Lin Qingyan, he was in the final exam room, and it was estimated that he had someone copy it for Lin Qingyan.

    The other party bet too much this time, and they will definitely not be able to go to the first test room just by copying and cheating, so they will definitely find an online writer who will write the answers on the test paper.

    "System, did Su Tong add it?" Lin Qingyan flipped through the textbooks sent by the school committee, and his brows couldn't be opened.

    "Added, this account was registered by me using the external network. Even if something goes wrong, we won't be able to find it." The system changed the account in the group to Wu Ji's original, and the heroine Su Tong added himself. The □□ number that was just replaced.

    "I know how to say it."

    "I know!" Following the host until now, it is good at talking nonsense, and there is no problem in bluffing.

    Before I could watch the system make up nonsense, I saw a small medicine bottle on my desk.

    "Is it the same as yesterday?" Lin Qingyan looked at it with interest and found that the portion was quite large.

    Jiang Xian opened and closed his lips, ready to say something when he saw Lin Qingyan's unfamiliar face, and his face sank when he felt something was wrong. "Did you take the medicine last night?"

    "Did you take it."

    "It's bitter and sweet." Jiang Xian obviously didn't believe it, and his eyes were filled with unresolved emotions.

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