Chapter 25

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Chapter 25, Don't Learn from Shen Mi

    "Usually I'm alone." After a pause, he didn't say anything else.

    After that, her breathing gradually calmed down, and Wu Zhou leaned against her back gently: "It's dark behind you, turn around.

    " He accidentally tilted his head in the crevice of his neck.

    Just as he was about to look up apologetically, Lin Qingyan only felt that the smell of blood was getting heavier, and looked at the other person's jaw line.

    Sure enough, there were a few more scratches on his face, and the wounds had not healed, and blood was oozing out a little bit.

    She didn't know how to speak, and she told the other person that there was a wound on her face, and it was strange to ask him if it hurt. In the end, he just told Wuzhou to stay still when he was about to get up.

    "..." Wu Zhou hesitated, but turned his head without saying a word.

    The door outside was pushed open, and the evening breeze from the suburbs came in, making the lights even more desolate.

    There seemed to be a lot of people outside the warehouse, and it became quiet after a while. Lin Qingyan vaguely heard the struggle of the previous man, followed by a thud followed by a dragging sound.

    Wu Zhou effortlessly untied the knot on Lin Qingyan's wrist with his back hand, "Help me untie it."

    Rubbing the joints, Lin Qingyan lowered his head and carefully groped for the knot, and saw the wound on the palm of his hand. The shape seems to be constantly ground by stones, and there are even some small gravels in the wound.

    She looked back a little unnaturally, and untied the knot before Wu Zhou could speak.

    "Is your brother here?" Lin Qingyan stood up and looked at Wu Zhou's back, looking at the injuries elsewhere on his body.

    Wu Zhou didn't speak, he took a few night pearls in the corner and stuffed them into Lin Qingyan's hands. "Give it to you, when, apologize." The

    word "apology" was silent for a long time before she said it. Wu Zhou glanced elsewhere and waited for her response.

    The hair was messy on his forehead, and the scratches on Wuzhou's face were always constant. Now he doesn't show his usual claws, like a wolf cub who was injured and made a mistake and sent food for a day of hunting.

    "Xiaozhou..." Wu Qi came in with a stick, his concerned tone softened after seeing Lin Qingyan in the warehouse.

    He was about to come with the stick, "There's another one inside?"

    "She's my classmate." Wu Zhou took the iron stick and threw it on the wood beside him.

    After Wu Qi heard the words, he immediately reached out to greet Lin Qingyan with an apologetic smile. "Hello, I'm Wuzhou's brother." Wuzhou stretched out his hand to hold     Wu

    Qi's hand, and replied unceremoniously, "Say hello on her behalf, her name is Lin Qingyan."

The eyes are hard to see through: "Hello Qingyan, I'm really sorry this time, if you don't suggest it, you can tonight..."

    The elegance of the five senses and the shrewdness of the businessman are indeed strange and uncomfortable. Comfortable.

    "Sorry sir, I have something to do tonight." Lin Qingyan curled his lips and politely rejected the other party. But since I didn't know what to call it, I just said Mr.

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