Chapter 57

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Chapter 57, Hidden Plot

    "What are you thinking?" After Lin Qingyan got out of the car, he took the time to look at the system with his eyes clamoring, and asked casually.

    "I just think this plot is a little familiar..." Before the system could finish speaking, he saw a group of people in the restaurant lobby.

    Shen Mi's face was a little bad, and he looked at the waiter inside with a plate and said apologetically to Lin Qingyan. "Sorry, you go first, I'll go later." After saying that, he waved and asked the waiter to take her to the reserved box first.

    This restaurant is a newly opened restaurant in Shen Mi's family. Now that there is trouble, he can say that he is embarrassed.

    Lin Qingyan immediately nodded, and when the waiter just stretched out his hand to lead the way, two middle-aged men came out from the other side, dressed in a bit tacky, all wearing gold and silver jewelry. When the two saw Shen Mi, their eyes seemed to light up, but they didn't dare to go forward.

    He only tried with a loud voice, "You are here, Xiaoci, we have been looking for you for a long time and haven't heard back. I finally found out that the new hotel opened by the Shen family is here. I want to try my luck."

    "Hey, I didn't expect to meet you. ."

    Small words? Lin Qingyan hurriedly reviewed the known plot, and did not see the fragment about the small words.

    Shen Mi's face was frighteningly cold, a gloomy expression that had never been seen before. Even if he was unhappy before, he would still be smiling, not so happy and angry. "Uncle, what's the matter." As soon as the voice came out, the atmosphere almost dropped to freezing point.

    The two middle-aged people should be a couple, and the man is Shen Mi's uncle. If you look at it like this, you can find the slightest scent of books on his face. But it's still inseparable from his vulgarity.

    "Let's go in and talk." The man looked embarrassed and looked at Shen Mi with a frown. The woman beside him looked at him with an unsatisfactory expression, then twisted his arm, her voice was a little sharp: "What are you afraid of, just say it here." At the

    end, he added: "What kind of face do you need at this level. When the

    man heard this, his face became even more red, and he could only whisper: "Go in and talk."

    Shen Mi asked the manager to take them to the office on the second floor, his face expressionless, and then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Qingyan. "I'm really sorry today, you eat first, can I go find you when I'm done?" He looked serious, but he couldn't help but carefully search for any unpleasantness in Lin Qingyan's eyes.

    Leaning over and gently wrapping Lin Qingyan's shoulders, he said again in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

    As soon as he entered the box, Lin Qingyan saw the tableware and dishes that had been placed on the table. The waiter had a polite smile on his face. "Please have a meal, and you can call me if you need it." The

    system flew over before Shen Mi came. "What I said, I think today's plot is familiar. Surprise, host, you have encountered a hidden plot again." The

    system flapped its wings in annoyance, "It's so strange, you can encounter any plot, this heroine. I can't come across anything."

    Lin Qingyan took a bite of the fish in front of him with chopsticks, and sighed inaudibly. "Yeah, I am also working two jobs and getting one salary."

    "Big gift bag, big gift bag, I'll give you a big gift when you return to the original world! If this task is not completed, I'm really going to be stunned. ." The system clutched its head, which was surging with electricity, in pain.

    "What's this plot?" The last time he hid the plot was Wuzhou fighting with others, probably because of his older brother, and then he was kidnapped and went to his house once.

    "So, I won't be kidnapped in a few days." Lin Qingyan took a sip of the fish soup, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared.

    "No, no... Probably not." The system first shook its head affirmatively, and then gradually paused. "Maybe, after all... Fate is set."

    Lin Qingyan then took a sip of fish soup, "If you really can't, you can broadcast it to me and let me hear what they are doing." Then he added. "It's not that I didn't know why when I was kidnapped." The

    system nodded knowingly, "Okay, okay." As he spoke, he turned on the virtual screen to broadcast.

    In the picture are two middle-aged people sitting in the office a little bit cramped, it is the uncle who just pestered Shen Mi to talk.

    As soon as Shen Mi entered, he saw them stand up from the sofa. The man called out the little words again, "You won't leave your uncle alone."

    "Yes, your mother is only relatives like us, she..." The woman was about to say something, but Shen Mi's eyes stopped her.

    "How much money." Shen Mi seems to be used to it, but his tone is cold and scary, not the usual gentle manners. "I don't want to hear any more words about my mother from your mouth."

    "Little words, I only want a little bit, just a little bit for you." The man stretched out his hand to compare the number, and the only scent of books and literati bones left in his bones He felt a little uncomfortable.

    Shen Mi didn't say anything, just motioned for the manager to go to the front desk to get the money. Then, with a hint of warning, every word seemed to be carved into the hearts of the two of them. "For the last time, don't look for me again." The

    system looked at the office that was quickly empty on the screen, "Well... Do you understand the host?" It didn't actually understand, but it could see that the male protagonist was very angry and asked like eating people.

    Lin Qingyan lowered his head and knocked on the crab shell with a small hammer. Before he could speak, he heard footsteps outside the door, and then Shen Mi pushed in.

    The other party's face looked much better than in the office, but the apology was too strong. "How's the food?"

    "Yes, it's better than my restaurant." Lin Qingyan didn't hesitate to praise her, and asked unintentionally. "I still don't know your name... Xiaoci." After reading the name, he glanced at Shen Mi with a cold face, and felt that the name didn't quite resemble him.

    "This is the nickname my mother called me." Shen Mi hand paused, and the smile on the corner of his mouth increased a bit.

    "It seems that Auntie likes poetry very much." Lin Qingyan was in a better mood after eating the new dishes. Thinking of the similarities between Shen Mi and the middle-aged man, he said something along the way.


    "Mother likes to read books." After Shen Mi finished speaking, he picked up a few books that had been set aside for a long time. "A few books I picked from the study at home, I don't know if you like it or not."

    "It's new, I haven't read it yet. If you're interested in this kind of thing, I'll bring you two more next time."

    Lin Qingyan glanced at the title of the book after taking it, as if he remembered that Shen Mi had mentioned it. Jokingly: "I thought you were going to send me counseling materials."

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