Chapter 53

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Chapter 53, Why don't you take medicine?

    In the evening, Lin Qingyan looked at the conversation list and wondered if he should send a few words to Jiang Xian. After all, according to the state of the other party this afternoon, it was indeed quite worrying.

    Almost at the same moment, a call alert appeared on the screen. The system informed that it was Jiang Xian's call, and then said quietly: "Host, maybe the male protagonist is a thief and intends to continue to confess, don't be fooled!"

    Lin Qingyan did not respond, and then connected. Telephone. Before he could speak, he heard a hurried voice on the other end. "Hello, is that Miss Lin?"

    "I am." Lin Qingyan responded after a while.

    The man who claimed to be Steward Jiang was anxious and imploring: "I know it's very presumptuous, but can I trouble Miss Lin to come to Jiang's house? If it's convenient, I'll ask the driver to pick you up now."

    Lin Qingyan was puzzled He glanced at the system that had been nodding, and the other party's head was about to smoke. "Host, go! The hostess can't go for the time being. If you don't go, then Jiang Xian will be finished."

    "Well..." Lin Qingyan hung up the phone after reporting the address and waited for the housekeeper to drive over.

    "Host, you really believe me." The system said with tears in her eyes. Since the host wears the book until now, every mission has been excellent and obedient.

    Thinking of this, the system felt a chill, as if the word obedient was used in a host that was strange and didn't fit at all. But the host can really listen to its "good advice".

    "Maybe I'm relatively simple." Lin Qingyan's mouth pursed lightly, his eyes were sincere, and it seemed to be a sentence that he had thought over and over again.

    The system hesitated, and then did not forget the notification from the system center just now. "Didn't I report the error before, the explanation given by the center is that there is a bug, let's do the task first, and wait for the plot to automatically return to normal!"

    "But in this process, we not only have to complete the task, By the way, I have to complete a few plot points of the heroine." The system glanced at Lin Qingyan with a guilty conscience, "Because the plot is still being revised, the relationship between the hero and heroine is too strange now."

    The system finished speaking in a low voice, and then added a sentence secretly: "Is it okay, host, after the task is completed, I will return to your world, and I will give you another gift!

    " "What gift."

    "What you want, as long as I have the ability to give it to me, I will definitely give it to you."

    Knock knock, the bedroom door was knocked. There was a deliberately low voice outside the door: "Miss, are you asleep?"

    "What's the matter?"

    "Someone outside the yard said they came to you." The voice paused, and continued apologetically, "I didn't want to disturb you. Yours, but..." The man insisted that the lady agreed.

    Before the words were finished, the door was opened from the inside, and her lady was obviously dressed and ready to go to the appointment. He was secretly glad that he came up and called Miss, and led the way slowly.

    "Miss... When will you be back?" The old butler looked at the vehicle not far ahead and worried.

    "Come back after work." Lin Qingyan's eyes reassured him, and then got into the car.

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