Chapter 41

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Chapter 41, I should be like this

    After the whole meal, the atmosphere became more and more strange. Wu Zhou's sullen and sullen look, but he still didn't say anything.

    When Father Wu wanted to speak, he only saw Wu Zhou glance away and obviously did not want to answer him.

    "You talk to your brother." Father Wu said lonely after getting up, and then the housekeeper helped him upstairs.

    After Wu Qi got up, he watched him go upstairs, and then looked at Wu Zhou thoughtfully. "Do you know your father's current body?"

    Wu Zhou clenched Lin Qingyan's hand and couldn't help clenching it when he heard this. "I don't know, and I don't want to know."

    After speaking, he faced Wu Qi's eyes without hesitation.

    Lin Qingyan coughed lightly, thinking about whether he should avoid suspicion or go and help him with a few words.

    Wu Zhou patted her hand as if reassuring, with a solemn expression on his face, and his breathing was a little heavy. "Just take care of your father, I'll go with her first."

    No one stopped him, Wu Zhou took Lin Qingyan out as if he had just come in the afternoon. But the difference is that they did not go out in the car, but took advantage of the evening breeze to take a walk in the garden path.

    "Are the flowers here good-looking?" Wu Zhou's brows gradually eased, looking at the sweet-scented osmanthus on the tree and said softly.

    "Well, it's very fragrant." Lin Qingyan nodded, accompanied by the floral fragrance of the cool wind, blowing the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus all over his body.

    "My mother planted this. She likes sweet-scented osmanthus very much." Wu Zhou's heart turned back and forth, and when he saw Lin Qingyan, he couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

    "But my mother didn't see the sweet-scented osmanthus in full bloom before she died. Do you think it's a pity?" Wu Zhou broke off a branch of sweet-scented osmanthus, his eyes were unclear, and he was as dead as a deep pool.

    Lin Qingyan has always been short of words, and is rendered by the atmosphere...the more and more he can't speak. "But, it's a pity."

    "Osmanthus is mine, ... also mine." Wu Zhou whispered in a serious tone.

    Lin Qingyan only heard Osmanthus, but did not hear what the latter was. Yuemo has nothing to do with himself, so he doesn't care too much.

    Since Su Tong apologized to Lin Qingyan, he has paid less attention to the cheating scandal. The students in the school are not in the same class and only watch it as a lively event.

    Naturally, it was forgotten after a while.

    Even these days, Su Tong went back to find Cai Yi, saying that Lin Qingyan had forgiven them, and that he would live up to Lin Qingyan's hope by getting back together.

    This Monday is the time for speeches and reports, and it is their turn to send student representatives to speak on the stage in order. Originally, Meng Miao was scheduled to give a speech, but today Meng Miao was not feeling well and did not come.

    So Zhao Ban asked who would like to give a speech before the morning exercise, but no one in the class wanted to shirk each other, only Su Tong raised his hand.

    She eagerly said, "Head teacher, I can go up and give a speech."

    Zhao Ban paused for a while, then nodded after a little thought. "Just read it according to the manuscript."

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