Chapter 73

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Chapter 73, I beg you to tell me

    The system knew that it was right, lowered its head and hummed, and then immediately assured: "Next time."

    At this time, Lin Qingyan's mobile phone rang, and the page showed that it was the message sent by the psychiatrist before. Recently, it was him who replaced Jiang Xian to deliver medicine to himself, and after a few times, the relationship has improved a lot.

    Chen Jie: Miss Lin, how is your mental state recently?

    Chen Jie: I think the young master was fine some time ago, but I don't know what happened recently. I didn't give him the wrong medicine after thinking about it.

    Chen Jie: It's the young master's birthday in a few days. Will Miss Lin come to play? I'll give you a face-to-face consultation~~

    The system quickly picked up the plot, "Yes, Shen Mi's birthday is January 16th, so it's not time to finish the exam at that time."

    Lin Qingyan: Alright, I'll go.

    Chen Jie: Okay, I can't wait to see Miss Lin for your consultation~~

    The system's wings twitched for a while, "Why does he always want to see the host for you." Even though the host is very healthy, I didn't

    think about half of it. Looking at the host with the gawking eyes, it felt that what the psychiatrist said was really possible.

    "Does the host want to use the male protagonist's birthday to have a good relationship with him again and help him get out of the shadows?"

    Lin Qingyan nodded angrily, "Yes..." Before he finished speaking, he noticed that the car was forced to stop. The driver, Da Bei, opened the door to let the person in front give way, "Who are you? What are you doing blocking the road here?"

    Lin Qingyan felt that the other party's voice was familiar, pressed the down button of the car window, and squinted slightly at the man in front of the car who refused to leave. The man's clothes were worn out and his face was haggard and vicissitudes of life. Lin Qingyan glanced abruptly for several times before realizing that he was Shen Mi's uncle.

    The other party saw the familiar license plate number early, and he kept explaining it to the driver. He saw Lin Qingyan in the back seat with sharp eyes and ran away immediately. "Where's Shen Mi? Where is Shen Mi?" He didn't even bother to call out a small word, and just kept asking where Shen Mi was.

    "Call him here, or I'll follow you wherever you go!" The man's eyes were bloodshot, seeing that it was useless to say too much, he gritted his teeth and began to threaten Lin Qingyan.

    There is no way, Shen Mi's white-eyed wolf is just like his romantic ghost father, it is very difficult to catch. He squatted for a long time, but he couldn't find him, he could only find this girl's head.

    Lin Qingyan didn't take his threat seriously at all, thinking that this was a good opportunity to learn about Shen Mi's knot. She still remembered that the other party mentioned Shen Mi's mother last time, maybe she would know more.

    She nodded slightly, picked up her mobile phone and dialed Shen Mi's number, and turned on the speakerphone in order to calm his emotions.

    The driver in front was obviously unhappy and kept glaring at him. He has dealt with little gangsters like him a lot, and he doesn't know why the young lady is threatened by him.

    The phone was connected, and there was a distorted tone over there, and Shen Mi seemed to be a little happy. "Qingyan?" The

    man rushed in front of Lin Qingyan and said, "Xiao Ci, I've been looking for you for a long time, why have you been refusing to see your uncle, do you have to kill me?" The second half of the sentence clearly raised his tone. Eyes stared horribly.

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