Chapter 60,

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Chapter 60, Killed by the Shen Family

    Lin Qingyan glanced at the wound on his face, the bruises were severe, and it was not there when he looked at it on Tuesday. Some were beaten a few days ago, and some were newly injured today, so looking at it, you probably know why the other party is looking for Shen Mi.

    "Sorry, I don't know either." Lin Qingyan retracted his gaze and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the other party kept staring at her and followed her closely.

    "You can definitely get in touch with Xiao Ci, you must have a good relationship with him that day." The other party's eyes widened and he began to argue with shortness of breath, but he did not dare to take a step closer to her. He didn't know when he was so timid, but he was a high school student, so he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

    The eyes around him couldn't help but look over, "Damn, this sister Yan is attached to someone."

    "It's none of our business, let's go."

    Lin Qingyan was obviously not in a good mood, and glanced at the man a little unhappy. , said again indifferently: "Don't follow me."

    Until before getting into the car, the middle-aged man couldn't wait to talk. "You must help me contact Xiaoci, his uncle will die if he doesn't give me money." He said

    angrily, "His mother was killed by the Shen family, and Xiaoci had to watch his only uncle go too. Dead?"

    Lin Qingyan stopped pressing the button of the window button for a moment, and his eyes stopped on him for a while. "What did you say?" Shen Mi's mother was killed by the Shen family?

    Thinking of it this way, it seems that every time he mentions his family, Shen Mi's mood is not very good, and the other party also strangely hates the sensual places in the bar, which seems to be a rejection from his bones for no reason.

    "I said they wanted me to die, all of their Shen family..." Before he could finish speaking, his face suddenly turned red, his eyes didn't dare to look in one direction, and he began to tremble when he spoke. "I have to go first, please find the little words quickly." After saying that, he turned around and started to run quickly into the alley.

    Lin Qingyan looked in the direction where his line of sight was dodging, and as expected, he found two strangely dressed people looking over here. Wearing masks and caps, he has been scanning the tidal crowd.

    The system looked at the other party's crazy look, and poked the host, "Or let's talk to Shen Mi, don't affect the plot."

    "Is there no part in the plot? Isn't it in the heroine's plot?" Lin Qingyan frowned slightly. Mei, gradually began to have little patience.

    The system shook its head, "No, this is a hidden plot, and the heroine has never encountered it before. But according to the heroine's character, she has already called Shen Mi." As he said this, he observed the host's expression.

    Lin Qingyan lowered her head and turned on her phone, opened the dialog with Shen Mi, and the chat record was still a topic on the forum a few days ago. Shen Mi let himself not care about this, he would solve it.

    Lin Qingyan: Just now your uncle asked me your contact information and said he wanted to find you.

    It took a long time for Shen Mi to reply: I'm bothering you, I'll fix it.

    Almost as soon as the message was sent, Shen Mi's phone rang. The other party's voice was a little tired, and his voice was low and hoarse. "Qingyan, I didn't bother you."

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