Chapter 6

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Chapter 6, Wuzhou: Thank you for the invitation, I'm wrong

    Just when the speech ended and the meeting was dismissed, the man hurriedly responded regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one, and immediately apologized to Lin Qingyan for a long time before he dared to turn around and run away.

    Wu Ji and Zhou Mai didn't leave. They grinned and said, "Look, the prestige of our new school sister Yan has been established like this today." There is a look of conquering the country.

    With the fan behind him, Lin Qingyan took it out and tapped them on the head. "Still laughing here? You two take the monthly test for me?"

    "Oh, sister Yan, aren't you joking? We definitely can't do it. Let's find someone else." Zhou Mai scratched his temples and said angrily.

    After speaking, he said in a low voice, "That person has already been found. It's just a matter of what you said, Sister Yan."

    "Then I thank you?" Lin Qingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, his pupils were light in color, and there was a little light in his mouth. Said mercilessly.

    Then he said earnestly: "Cheating is not good, is it good to use other solutions."

    For example, cancel the gambling contract or study hard .

    Zhou Mai nodded suddenly, "Sister Yan, I understand."

    Wu Ji said blankly, Zhou Mai Mai turned to the back of his head. "Come here and I'll tell you."

    Afterwards, the two walked away with a shoulder to shoulder, and Lin Qingyan was relieved to find that he had rescued the two stray teenagers.

    That thought continued into the afternoon, until she got the call after school.

    After answering the phone, Lin Qingyan's expression became cold, and he took the schoolbag and went out. It was Wu Ji's call. He said he would help her block the top class.

    If it's brothers, let's fight together!

    Along the way, he was about to greet the familiar classmates, but no one dared to lean up after seeing Lin Qingyan's evil star's expression.

    At that time, the phone hung up in a hurry, and before I had time to ask which alley it was, there were only two alleys behind the school. When Lin Qingyan was about to look at them one by one, he found a large group of people in the first alley.

    Coincidentally, found it.

    There were a lot of people around, Lin Qingyan didn't see anyone with green hair after looking at them for a long time, thinking that it's impossible for Wu Ji and the others to dye their hair again after a long time, right?

    The most conspicuous of the popular black hair is the light brown hair, which is more and more provocative under the reflection of the sunset light.

    Lin Qingyan pushed aside a few ruffian-looking boys around, and tapped the light brown shoulder with a fan.

    "Zhou Mai, have you grown taller today?" In the afternoon, he took time to dye his hair.

    The man called Zhou Mai neatly knocked down the boy in front of him, lifted his foot and kicked his thigh, and didn't stop until he heard a scream of pain.

    The other party turned around and frowned at Lin Qingyan, his pupils were dark and oppressive. The arrogant and arrogant face in front of him was obviously not his friend Zhou Mai, but Wu Zhou, who had just dealt with him last night.

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