Chapter 68

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Chapter 68, Qing Banquet, what reward do you want?

    The few people standing inside were raw faces, at least not from their class. When Lin Qingyan entered, the four of them squatted on the ground and pushed Qin Yun.

    Qin Yun kept his head down and didn't answer, the half of his face leaking back and forth became paler. It was not until the door lock was smashed that Lin Qingyan pushed the door in and he tentatively probed the probe.

    "Apologize." Lin Qingyan used a stick to push the door open and kept hanging by his side. His tone was cold, causing the temperature of the anxious atmosphere in the tool room to plummet.

    The five were stunned, as if they didn't understand. Lin Qingyan continued to repeat the same tone, with sharp eyes on the end of his eyes. "Apologize to him." The

    other four reacted immediately, and one of them was obviously unwilling to be bluffed by her like this, and was about to speak and be held down by the person next to him.

    In the end, he didn't hold back, the man stubbornly said: "Lin Qingyan, you are too lenient, what does it have to do with you?"

    Lin Qingyan moved his wrist slightly and pointed the stick in his hand slightly at the man. "Do you say it again?"

    The man didn't answer, he just took a deep breath to strengthen himself. "What the hell is your business?"

    As soon as he finished speaking, the stick was lightly placed on his shoulders, so light that he hardly felt any pressure. But he knew that this was absolutely impossible. Lin Qingyan just used this to break the door lock.

    You can even see the potholes on the stick end.

    "I don't want to say it a third time." Lin Qingyan held the stick in his hand and controlled it just right on his shoulder. As he spoke, he tapped his cheek with the stick, as if whispering.

    The man kept clenching his teeth and didn't speak, but his hands were shaking. He has always looked down on Lin Qingyan. According to the rumors, she is a woman who has money and doesn't know her surname.

    Can women fight? It's a joke, but it's just a lot of money.

    But now he felt the slap on the cheek, neither light nor heavy, and was too frightened to answer by her eyes and tone. He could only pinched his thighs desperately, he was suppressed by Lin Qingyan's eyes, and he tried to push the stick away with a bluff.

    But he found that the stick that was light and fluffy now seemed to stick to him, and he couldn't push it away no matter how hard he tried. He could only grit his teeth and say sorry, push Qin Yun away and run out.

    The remaining three people were so frightened that they apologized to Qin Yun before they were pointed out, and they ran out in fear after helping him up.

    In the tool room, the depression just now became the frozen atmosphere between the two. Qin Yun looked up at Lin Qingyan who said nothing, his lips moved silently, not knowing what he was talking about, his face was even more ugly than when he was just pushed.

    "I..." His voice was hoarse, Qin Yun's eyes were a little wet, as if he was about to cry, and he ran out even after shaking his head.

    It didn't take long for Lin Qingyan to be alone. She turned to look at Jiang Xian outside the door. The other party couldn't see his expression with the light behind his back, and could only see his tightly clasped hands.

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