Chapter 55

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Chapter 55, Does She Love Me Too?

    Lin Qingyan leaned against the stone pillar beside the teaching building, and looked at the only aisle coming from the school gate, waiting for Wuzhou to come.

    Then helplessly glanced at the time displayed by the system and mobile phone. "7:05, there's no need to be so early." The

    system flapped its wings excitedly, and looked around: "It's not early, it might be earlier in Ren Wuzhou." After that, it flew to the lawn to see After a long time, he came back and asked, "Host, do you remember which direction Wu Zhou threw it at that time?"

    "I don't know, I shouldn't have threw it when I left?" . "Go and watch the replay yourself." The

    system suddenly realized and excitedly said, "You are so smart, host, why didn't I think of it." Then he dropped the call for a while and then returned to Lin Qingyan with his eyes full of light.

    After that, the system went straight to the lawn and started looking for the bracelet. Within two minutes, Lin Qingyan saw it came back with a familiar bracelet. He said with joy, "Look at the host, I found it!"

    There was also fresh dew and a yellow leaf on the bracelet.

    Lin Qingyan frowned, and could only take the bracelet with the handkerchief. Almost as soon as he wiped it off, he saw Wu Zhou walking towards the teaching building with a dark face with a schoolbag on his back.

    Although the other party is walking towards the teaching building, his eyes inevitably look at the lawn, which is exactly the position the system has just found. It was not until Wuzhou went upstairs that Lin Qingyan came out from behind the pillar.

    Nod. "There is so much fun to watch, didn't he look for it?" According to his temperament, he would definitely not be able to pull his face back to look for it, and maybe he would not contact him, just in time to complete the task ahead of schedule.

    Before Lin Qingyan could finish speaking, he saw Wu Zhou's figure appear in front of him again. And because he didn't look good, the students passing by didn't dare to look at him.

    Finally no one came over, Wu Zhou looked down and frowned, looking for the place in the lawn where the silver bracelet was reflective. When I was looking seriously, I was attracted by the movement on the side. When I inadvertently raised my eyes, I saw a familiar figure standing beside the stone pillar, with the whole body tense, and he lowered his head and coughed unconsciously.

    Compared with his own huge reaction, Lin Qingyan just glanced at him, which made him seem embarrassed. Wu Zhou thought about last week's events again, and withdrew the words that came to his lips, not knowing how to speak.

    After thinking about what to say for a long time, he was just about to ask Lin Qingyan if he had breakfast when suddenly the other party began to approach step by step. It is still the usual color of clothes and a cold expression, with bright eyes and bright eyes. "I'm looking for something, I've found it now."

    Wuzhou sullen, he didn't intend to speak, but he thought that Lin Qingyan had already taken the initiative to talk to him, and he shouldn't continue to be angry. Then he said awkwardly: "I didn't look for anything, come down and stroll." As he spoke, he glanced down at her wrist.

    Although he was wearing long sleeves, he could still see the bracelet on his wrist. Wu Zhou was still entangled in his heart, and he really couldn't understand what Lin Qingyan meant. I don't want to be with me, but I wear the couple's bracelet that I gave to me, even if I threw her away.

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