Chapter 62

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Chapter 62, Continue to be so paranoid

    "Have you heard of Yangcai Middle School?" Cui Fan raised his eyes and looked at Lin Qingyan deeply, and asked tentatively.

    "No impression." The

    naked eye could see the loss of emotion on Cui Fan's face, but it disappeared in just an instant. "Eat first."

    "I remember you said you had something to tell me, what is it." Lin Qingyan added after a pause. "If it's about Su Tong, don't ask me."

    Generally, it's not good for a vicious male partner to find a vicious female partner, either to warn himself for the female lead, or to practice with himself to separate the male and female lead.

    Either way is extremely naive.

    "It has nothing to do with her." Cui Fan didn't even have emotional ups and downs when he heard Su Tong's name, and could see a faint disgust. "I just want to find you." The words were very heavy, and it felt like he was pouring out the secrets that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

    "...Qingyan, do you really not remember me?" Cui Fan asked again in disbelief, frowning and even straining his tone.

    Lin Qingyan felt more and more strange what Cui Fan said, and hearing his name was even more uncomfortable. "I don't remember." In the

    end, he really didn't want to talk to him, so he turned his head to look at the system aside. "Is something wrong?" The

    system did not move and dared not speak. Lin Qingyan followed its gaze and found that Cui Fan was staring at the system, not looking at the empty air, but really looking at the system.

    "What's wrong with me, Qingyan, you came to see me just to make it wrong?" Cui Fan pointed at the system with a strange tone.

    The system almost jumped out of the battery with his finger, so frightened that it could not fly stably. "It's over, the host can see me."

    Lin Qingyan put it in the bag, and touched its wings with one hand, while looking up at Cui Fan. "Who the hell are you?"

    "Cui Fan." The other's hand on the table tightened instantly.

    "You are also on a mission?" Lin Qingyan couldn't find anything else except this explanation.

    "I'm not on a mission, I'm here to find you." Cui Fan laughed lightly, "I didn't expect you to remember me."

    "It'll be fine soon, do you think this restaurant is familiar now?" Cui Fan continued, "Wait a little longer, and you will remember me."

    Lin Qingyan looked at Cui Fan's face and his memory was confused for a moment. She had never seen such a plain, ordinary or even gloomy appearance, but she looked at him. His eyes always feel that he is not like this.

    But she couldn't describe it herself.

    "I'll take you back after eating." After Cui Fan finished speaking, he took another look at the system that probed his brain.

    The system shrank back after feeling the terrifying gaze. It has to report it to the headquarters, and it must report it so that the headquarters can catch this big bug back!

    Since he came back that day, the system has been reluctant to talk, and even if he comes out to relax occasionally, he is languid.

    "The monitor will come to my office to get the test number sheet, post the test number when school is over, and set up the desks and chairs. Take the mid-term exam tomorrow."

    The people below sighed and said why they had to take the exam again, and the head teacher laughed and stopped the movement in his hand. "Three big exams in a semester is too much. If you were in the third year of high school, you took the exam three times a month."

    He rambled a few words before leaving. "That's too much. Seeing how you are writing exam papers in high school.

    " "I told us before that I would write several test papers a day in high school, but I don't believe it." The

    head teacher waved to Meng Miao without saying anything, and a new round of noise began in the class. The system just lay quietly on the desk, Lin Qingyan poked it and moved, as if there was no electricity.

    "What's the matter, no power?" The

    system said bitterly: "Yes, but it's almost gone." Turned over and said angrily: "I don't know why I can't go back to the headquarters, I can't connect all the time, I blame Cui Fan. , host, you said that I shouldn't be able to go home all the time."

    "Can't link?" Lin Qingyan was the first time he heard the system mention about returning to the headquarters.

    "Yes, there is not enough energy to connect to the headquarters." The system said halfway and found that the host might not understand it, so it could only explain it from the beginning. "Every world has a fixed amount of energy, and it is generally impossible to change. But the energy in this world has been decreasing, and now it is no longer connected to the headquarters."

    "Why is the energy decreasing?" Lin Qingyan mentioned before thinking about the system The energy in Cui Fan's body changed, and he subconsciously felt that this was related to him.

    "I don't know either. I want to link to the headquarters to discuss ways." The system looked at Lin Qingyan in embarrassment

    . Whoever took the energy, suddenly saw the heroine who was staring here, and guilt overflowed in my heart. "Just, get some of the heroine first! I'll be right back, host, wait for me!" After speaking, Flutter stumbled towards the heroine with his wings.

    It disappeared immediately, and it was estimated that it was linked to the headquarters. Lin Qingyan lowered his head and continued to write the topic, feeling the gaze beside him for a long time.

    Jiang Xian took a sip of warm water and said slowly, "Qingyan?"

    "I'll take you out for a walk tonight." He had found that Lin Qingyan was not in a good mood these days, thinking that it was a psychological effect. He remembered that the doctor told him that it would be better to go out too much and feel better.

    After Jiang Xian finished speaking, he quietly looked at Lin Qingyan, waiting for her reply. "The garden over there is very beautiful." Afraid that she would not be tempted, she added, with a strong connivance between her brows and eyes.

    If Jiang Xian's psychiatrist saw this scene, he would probably write three medical records with relief. No matter how much they persuaded him before, he would not go out. He is reluctant to turn on the lights in the dark, and he is reluctant to share his thoughts with others in daily life.

    It is very rare to be able to take the initiative to talk to and enlighten others now.

    Lin Qingyan nodded slightly, she could sense that Jiang Xian was overcoming his own psychological obstacles step by step and trying to become better. For such a person who is very similar to her past self, she has no other thoughts of rejecting him.

    Jiang Xian frowned and looked at Lin Qingyan's profile, his eyes were dark and unclear, and his emotions could not be resolved.

    The doctor told him that it was very troublesome, and he couldn't continue to be paranoid. He had to clarify what is curiosity and what is love. But he didn't want to hear it, and he didn't need to sort it out.

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