Chapter 47

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Chapter 47, You and Wuzhou...

    After school, there was a boy standing at the back door waiting for someone, Su Tong first glanced shyly before walking over with his eyes down.

    Before leaving, he glanced at Lin Qingyan, Lin Qingyan looked in the direction of the other side, and found that standing at the back door was a boy in a black shirt.

    The face is raw, and the dark atmosphere between the eyebrows is added. Lin Qingyan pondered: "Male supporting role?"

    "Yes, the reason is not stated in the plot, but he likes the heroine to follow the fan." The system also thought it was very strange to see this paragraph at the time.

    The boy suddenly raised his eyes to look at the classroom, and inadvertently saw Lin Qingyan, his eyes were suddenly confused for a moment, as if he was facing a great enemy.

    Immediately, Su Tong approached, and the boy subconsciously stepped back half a step but held it back, only to draw a cautious smile. "I ordered a restaurant."

    Su Tong reached out and pulled the broken hair behind his ear. "Cui Fan, this is really expensive, thank you." The

    system secretly watched the female lead's communication with the male supporting cast, and suddenly realized that something was wrong with its host. "What's wrong with the host, you know him?"

    Lin Qingyan retracted his gaze, "I don't know, it's a little affected, I feel very familiar." The

    system was even more confused, and he said: "How can it be, the person you met in this world, host? Everyone knows, how could they be familiar with..."

    Cui Fan and Su Tong had already walked out of sight while they were talking, and suddenly a "ding" sound attracted the attention of the system, and then it went to the system headquarters with four bracelets and came back with great interest.

    "Hurry up!"

    Lin Qingyan picked it up with the front of the fan, "It's very fast, what is the official price?" The

    system said obediently: "It's quite expensive, the money will be deducted from your card." After the

    system finished speaking, he took it A bracelet was put on for the host, "I've picked it for a long time, what do you think of it, host!" The

    bracelet is made of silver and inlaid with jade, the thickness is just right, the chains are crossed in the wrong way, and the English characters are engraved: yoomore love

    After wearing it on the wrist, Lin Qingyan's wrist bones became more and more obvious, making the skin even paler. "It looks good."

    There is no difference between the men's and women's models, the size and thickness are the same, and the English characters are the same. Lin Qingyan rubbed the system's wings with his thumb in reward.

    "Remember to give it to the male protagonists later, we are only two away from completing most of our tasks woo woo woo." The system looked at the control panel with emotion, as if my family was just growing up.

    From the time it has carried out the task of this world to the present, there has never been a host who can make the male protagonist's favorability so high, and it has never seen the female protagonist suffer.

    The system was suddenly curious about the host's past, so he leaned over and asked, "Host, what would you do if you could go back to your original world?"

    It said while looking at the data of the host's original world, its own host Such an excellent person must be the heroine of that world.

    Maybe going back is the rebirth of the revenge heroine!

    Lin Qingyan's feelings of rejection of the original world are not so heavy now, but he just replied coldly: "Find a good hospital to stay in." The

    system just wanted to refute but saw the data of the host's original world: Lin Qingyan: Female male lead's sickness     Posted by

    Bai Yueguang

The label is the most inconspicuous tool person, and the bright red time indicates how long she has lived in the original world.

    The system was speechless for a moment, and hurriedly closed this interface to avoid causing the host's negative emotions, so I didn't see the familiar two words in the male lead's name column: ...

    Cui Fan

    Lin Qingyan said warmly: "Go back. If I don't go, I don't have to go back, and I can live a few more years in this world." The

    system looked at her eagerly, Lin Qingyan knew that it must have seen something to become so sad, so he teased it with a bracelet.

    "I'll send a bracelet later, the favorability will increase a lot, be happy."

    While thinking about who to send first, Lin Qingyan saw Shen Mi standing outside the window.

    Shen Mi has not come to look for Lin Qingyan since that night at the bar, and now he suddenly sees it and doesn't know what to say.

    Lin Qingyan pushed open the window first, and then handed over the bracelet with a smile, "Mr. Xiao Shen, I'll give you a present."

    Without thinking about it, Shen Mi reached out to take it, feeling the sudden weight and coolness of the palm of his hand. "What is this?"

    "Return." When Lin Qingyan retracted his hand, he inadvertently exposed the bracelet on his wrist without mentioning it.

    Shen Mi's expression was unnatural for a moment. He originally wanted to ask how she and Wu Zhou were like that night, but now he was holding the light bracelet in his hand, but he couldn't say anything.

    "You and Wuzhou..."

    Lin Qingyan frowned and raised his eyes to look at Shen Mi, without saying a word, the look in his eyes buried deep. Dodging the heavy things, he said lightly: "I didn't return the clothes to you, are you angry?"

    Shen Mi didn't say anything at first, but in the end he just answered in a cold tone.

    Lin Qingyan changed the subject and lit the bracelet on the other's palm: "Will you accept it?"

    Shen Mi frowned slightly, thinking a thousand times, and there was nowhere to say what was in his heart for a while. For the first time in his life, he was so flustered, but on the surface, he still looked pale, and the emotions in his light-colored pupils were always buried through the glass lenses.

    He closed his palms and pursed his thin lips. Shen Mi's usual indifferent expression was easily broken.

    The author has something to say:

    yoomore love is what I heard from my roommate before. It doesn't refer to any special logo or brand, but I think the meaning is very good so I use it.

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