Chapter 19

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Chapter 19, become very thorough

    Lin Qingyan got up and set foot on the gravel road and walked towards Shen Mi: "It's not that troublesome, just ask him if he drinks."

    There were cicadas chirping in the bushes that were not high by the roadside. Before Lin Qingyan could speak, he saw Shen Mi. Mi happened to turn around and look at her, even with the milk tea in her hand. "You're in a good mood." His tone was light, and he couldn't tell whether it was a sarcasm or a statement.

    Lin Qingyan's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't follow his words, but handed him the bag in his hand.

    Sure enough, the other party's eyes were full of puzzlement, "What do you mean?"

    She calmly said, "Bribery."

    Shen Mi took the opportunity to look at Lin Qingyan, and the other party's appearance was almost the same as in his memory. I often see it at business gatherings at home, but Lin Qingyan who I saw at that time was always arrogant, and even the eyes that looked at people were full of sarcasm.

    Now it's not an exaggeration to say that it's a change of person. What happened to a person can make a person become so fast and how completely. Then Shen Mi attributed all the things that violated her character to her curiosity, and sighed inaudibly and began to understand the other party's childish bet.

    "You told others that you are going to the first test room?" The familiar beginning is like the teacher of the make-up class communicating with the parents about the results.

    "I didn't say that." Lin Qingyan put the milk tea on the bench and sat beside him naturally.

    Shen Mi didn't feel that the two were sitting close together, but after seeing the bribe, he felt a little better, and his tone softened: "Have you attended the class in the last few days, how is the basics of junior high school?"

    "I didn't listen, it's not good." Such.

    "Then why did you find me today? It's not long before the exam." Shen Mi frowned, the sense of alienation in the foggy gray eyes was not heavy, and he was much more relaxed than just now.

    "Well..." She could take the test herself, but she just gave her milk tea to boost her favorability, but now she's dragged to bribe it.

    After pondering for a long time, I came up with such a reason. "I'm not familiar with it, so it's inconvenient to speak."

    Shen Mi's fingers are slender, and the fingers holding the milk tea are more clean. Shirts are the most commonly worn light colors, but he never said anything to Lin Qingyan. "You didn't look like you didn't know me well a few days ago." He was stuck in the alley and said a lot of words.

    "And if you're really worried that you don't know me well, you can bribe me a few more times." The curvature of the corner of his mouth was extremely shallow. If it wasn't for the addition of six favorability points, Lin Qingyan didn't notice any change in him.

    Looking at Shen Mi who is inhumane in the plot repeatedly, the other party is the most serious and persistent, and doesn't like to get involved too much with people. Compared with the person in front of him who was holding the bribe, there was nothing wrong with him.

    "Wait for me at the library tomorrow." The browbones are excellent, the profile of the profile is exquisite, and the pair of gold-rimmed glasses is also extremely dazzling.

    "Well, then I'll go back first." After Lin Qing answered the banquet, she remembered the two cups of milk tea in the drawer, and she still wanted to deliver it.

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