Chapter 69

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Chapter 69, please don't disturb me in the future

    After returning to the classroom wrapped in Shen Mi's scarf, Lin Qingyan saw Jiang Xian still sitting alone as soon as he approached his seat. The system has been looking at this situation for several days, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Host, don't you think the male lead is a little strange? No, is it too strange?"

    "Just sitting there without saying a word to you Say, don't even look at it." The system said dully.

    Lin Qingyan didn't feel strange about this, but felt that there was one less line of sight on her today. She inevitably turned her eyes to the corner, and found that Qin Yun's place was empty, as if no one had come.

    Although Qin Yun is an introvert and hardly ever communicates with others, he is never late for school almost every day.

    "Host, what do you care about him? He's not a character in our mission." The system looked at Lin Qingyan curiously.

    Lin Qingyan was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about why he paid such attention to him. After sitting in his seat and thinking for a long time, he realized that he might think Qin Yun was very similar to Jiang Xian.

    The two are very similar, and it seems wrong to say that, they are very similar to the state in the original world before they were dying. So it is inevitable that more thoughts will be put on them.

    After a while, Lin Qingyan replied in a low voice: "No, I won't ask next time." The

    system didn't know why the host answered this way, so it could only answer: "Okay, the host, what should we do now? What."

    "Let's go first according to the next plot point." Lin Qingyan paused, "Otherwise I'll find someone to take a photo of Su Tong and the male protagonist, and go to the forum plot first." The

    system was a little embarrassed, "But, female The host can't get in touch with the male protagonist at all now! There is no possibility of taking pictures." After speaking, he glanced at the host, and even if a picture was taken, the possibility of a jealous plot in the back is zero.

    "Then I'll find a chance to let them get in touch, just take a picture next to you." Lin Qingyan didn't care.

    "So which male lead are we looking for?" The system asked secretly.

    Lin Qingyan pondered slightly, "She can't get in touch with Wu Zhou and Shen Mi now. Jiang Xian and her are classmates, so they should be better at taking pictures."

    Just after he finished speaking, the system immediately thought of a way: "Host like this! When school is over I'm going to attract the heroine, and you are responsible for bringing Jiang Xian back to the classroom. Then the two of them will be alone! Let's take a photo, and by the way, we can also remind them of their emotional progress." Excitedly, he finished his plan. Afterwards, it held its head high and waited for Lin Qingyan's praise.

    It may be that the mission has not progressed for too long, so even the fighting spirit of the system has been stimulated, and Lin Qingyan nodded happily.

    Jiang Xian certainly wouldn't stop there after school, but he could come back to get things. Just when Lin Qingyan was thinking about what to ask the other party to come back for, he saw the medicine bottle in his drawer at a glance, which was given by Jiang Xian a few days ago.

    But after the Qin Yun incident, the other party never took the initiative to say a word to him again, and even the medicine was sent by the family doctor.

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