Chapter 10

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Chapter 10, Has Lin Qingyan been scolded today?

    Thousands of Lights: Yes, shall we celebrate tonight? ^-^

    It seems that the system does not need to be checked. I will go directly to Yiguoduan tonight and let them verify with their own eyes how innocent they are.

    lqy next: The celebration feast may be tomorrow night, let this matter ferment.

    After a while, the other party sent a message: Classmate, I will directly pull you into the group!

    Lin Qingyan rubbed his eyebrows and took a sip of juice. In order to create public opinion and scold her, these people also set up a group specially.

    The group name is very fitting, "Has Lin Qingyan been scolded today?"

    Thank you for your invitation, I have not been scolded today, and I have made great progress in the task. There's still a little time before going to a mental hospital.

    Group owner: @Qiandengwanzhan, welcome to the group, you can modify the label in the group, let's work together to destroy Lin Qingyan's reputation!

    Looking at their nicknames in the group, Lin Qingyan consciously changed it to suit the atmosphere.

    lqy mental illness: ok~ thank you for the invitation!

    Group owner: Hello, classmate, who pulled you in?

    lqy is so ugly: it was pulled in from the bottom.

    Lin Qingyan looked at their chat records and found that these dozen or so people called each other according to the nicknames behind lqy. Not only unite, but also think that the methods are more stupid than one.

    lqy next head: mentally ill, she is the person who said in the post that Lin Qingyan could find us.

    As soon as these words were said, many people in the group were blown up.

    lqy speechless: how do you know mental illness.

    Although the group of friends are very enthusiastic, but being chased and called mentally ill, Lin Qingyan is somewhat accepting of incompetence, especially their IDs are more irritating than each other.

    lqy mental illness: I was in a class with her and heard what she said to others. She said it would take a day to get people out.

    The group was in a panic, and finally came out to comfort.

    lqy head down: It's alright! I know the admin and she won't leak our information.

    lqy mental illness: That's great, don't worry! So when are we celebrating?

    Group leader: If Lin Qingyan doesn't do anything else today, we will hold a celebration dinner tonight!

    Holding back a smile, Lin Qingyan typed a reply.

    lqy mental illness: ok!

    I followed a dozen hellos below, and Lin Qingyan, who was just about to catch his breath, saw a very strange nickname below.

    The lqy villain

    always felt that this title was familiar, but just as the head teacher pushed the door and came in, Lin Qingyan didn't think about it any further.

    Just after school at noon, the system came back in a hurry, with a high-spirited look on his face: "Host, I have opened the authority, so I can help you check people."

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