Chapter 33,

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Chapter 33, you don't have to accommodate me

    Until Lin Qingyan threw the bell down, Shen Mi's expression still did not fluctuate.

    Lin Qingyan was a little puzzled for the first time, "Do you know this bell?"

    Shen Mi nodded, and his tone was stern: "Yes."

    "I don't want to ask me anything? For example, is this bell mine?" Lin Qingyan tilted her head and asked curiously. .

    "I don't want to." Shen Mi put his hand on the railing, and his eyes were cold.

    Those meaningless

    Lin Qingyan nodded, holding the bell that had just not been thrown out in his hand, unable to keep up for a while. "Going to dance inside?"

    Shen Mi was stunned for a moment, then hummed in a warm tone.

    With a thought, Lin Qingyan handed over the bell to the system. "You can return it to Su Tong now."

    The system that just returned after reporting the error took the bell angrily, and softened a little when he saw the host. "Really give it back to her."

    "Isn't it, you have left this bell for your feelings?" Lin Qingyan said with a smile.

    The system looked at the worn-out bell lovingly, "Oh, it's just a little bit reluctant, then I'll put it back in the hostess' house now."

    Lin Qingyan also confessed before it left, "Put it in a conspicuous place."

    Best Su Tong took it immediately after seeing that he could go to school.

    "Okay, have fun." The system sullenly took the bell and flew away.

    At first, Lin Qingyan was afraid to go in and saw Wuzhou. The other party was angry when he saw that he was with Shen Mi, but he couldn't see him for a long time.

    Shen Mi glanced at Lin Qingyan's skirt, and took out a box from his pocket.

    "Give it to you." Shen Mi did not open it like Wuzhou did, but handed it to Lin Qingyan with courtesy.

    Just wondering why one or two are giving gifts today, Lin Qingyan took it calmly. "thanks."

    "I can't dance, and chatting with me may be boring." Shen Mi held the goblet and had the illusion of drinking red wine.

    The fingers are slender, tapping the quartz countertops.

    "You can't dance?" It's understandable to say that Wuzhou and Jiang Xian can't, but it's very strange that Shen Mi can't.

    "My mother said since I was a child, don't learn, and don't come to such a place where people communicate more." Shen Mi frowned, as if thinking of something bad.

    After coming in, listening to the music and the surrounding noise, Shen Mi's expression became a little cold, and now it's even more dull to talk about this.

    "..." Not knowing how to judge, Lin Qingyan sat across from him without saying a word.

    "I don't like Wuzhou, but you are different at Qingyan." Shen Mi stared at the cup in his hand, and he couldn't help but say what was hidden in his heart.

    He doesn't like Wuzhou, he can see that. Lin Qingyan stepped back calmly, and was frightened by Shen Mi's words of Qingyan.

    "Sorry for being a little abrupt tonight, if possible, can I make an appointment with you tomorrow?" Shen Mi had a rare look of panic on his face, which was very conspicuous in the expression that didn't fluctuate.

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