Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Do You Have Any Psychological Troubles?

    Since a few people fled from the bar, no one in the group dared to speak. Except for Su Tong, who didn't go to the party at night, looking at the quiet and somewhat strange group chat, he made a tentative sentence.

    lqy badass: How's the party tonight?

    Just after posting, the group owner and a dozen group friends on the other side of the phone screen shivered and were at a loss.

    lqy villain: I have an idea to make Lin Qingyan be scolded by many people, can you see it?

    Just when the administrator was preparing Aite to tell her to be careful, she found that her nickname suddenly changed from lqy bad guy to a series of numbers.

    Group notification: The group owner "I am a good guy" has removed the group member "lqy bad guy" from the group chat.

    Then a string of strange nicknames replied.

    I'm a good guy too: I play well.

    I must be a good guy: Squeeze with me.

    Lin Qingyan watched them whitewash each other, and then glanced at the group name that had been edited: Did you praise Lin Qingyan today?

    Thank you for the invitation, I didn't boast, I used my personal charm to attract the group of friends to apologize, and they ran away at the speed of light before they finished eating the fruit plate.

    I wanted to wait for Lin Qingyan to come out and say something, so I could apologize and swipe the screen, but I didn't expect to see Lin Qingyan bubbling after touting each other for a long time.

    They added Lin Qingyan one by one and planned to chat privately.

    Just after finishing the pills sent by Jiang Xian's personal doctor, Lin Qingyan opened his mobile phone and saw twelve friend applications.

    There are exactly thirteen people in the group even counting themselves. Could it be that the heroine also added her own apology?

    After agreeing one by one, they didn't find the familiar avatar of the heroine, but the extra boy's avatar was very strange.

    The system took a sip from the teacup: "How strange?"

    "Stranger than me." The

    system understood and replied with a sigh. "That's really weird."

    Everyone in the group after adding friends wrote a small essay to apologize, and the attitude was very sincere.

    "Aren't you angry, host?" The system leaned over to read her reply, and glanced at Lin Qingyan curiously.

    After each host arrives in this world, it will look like the original body. Over time, the appearance will be more inclined to the real appearance of each host's original world.

    So every time in the later stage, the system will be aesthetically fatigued, because the ordinary and glamorous feeling really makes it impossible to describe.

    But this host is different. Although the personality doesn't match the original one, there is an indescribably fatal feeling when they are really merged together.

    For things like today, so many hosts in front of them will hold on to them, squeezing these few cannon fodder to squeeze out all their uses before they are willing to give up.

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