Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    "Qingyan, you gave it to me, I will wear it well." Shen Mi slowly put away the bracelet and said with the same expression as usual.

    Before leaving, he just pursed his lips and didn't say anything else, and kept staring at the bracelet on Lin Qingyan's wrist, as if the mist in his pupils had been swept away, and it was clear.

    Lin Qingyan closed the window thoughtfully, and as soon as he sat down, he sensed someone approaching beside him.

    Jiang Xian put the medicine bottle on the table and asked inadvertently, "Who was it just now?" Lin     Qingyan

    took his words and secretly cleared it up: "It's a senior, I have something to do with the monitor."

Strangely said: "Yeah."

    The system was speechless for two times, and the system looked at the host eagerly. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard the system prompt that Shen Mi's favorability level has reached the standard, unlocking today's drift bottle.

    Shen Mi: Why does she like Wuzhou?

    Why does she like Wuzhou?

    Why does she like Wuzhou?

    Lin Qingyan was a little funny, it turned out that Shen Mi thought he liked Wuzhou.

    The system adored his face: "I'm too shallow, it turns out that everything the host did before was to lay the foundation for future harmony!"

    Lin Qingyan hummed in confusion, "What do you mean?" The

    system pondered, "I feel heavy. Looking for this kind of mentality is very harmonious, although I think you like Wuzhou, but I still come to you, and the favorability level keeps going up."

    After a lot of it, he said seriously: "When Jiang Xian's favorability level reaches 60 plus points. , If the harmony is unlocked. I feel that the harmony should have five contributions from Shen Mi."

    Lin Qingyan nodded thoughtfully, "Shen Mi has a good temper." Seeing Jiang Xian, who was at the same table, he felt a little natural. Knocked on the table.

    The system watched Lin Qingyan tap the table with one hand, and knew that this was a gesture that the host always thought about. "Host, what are you thinking, and the last bracelet, why don't you give it to Jiang Xian?"

    According to Jiang Xian's favorability, the bracelet will definitely reach 60 plus now.

    Lin Qingyan supported Yi with one hand and pondered: "He is more suspicious, let's set the stage first and send him tomorrow."

    Jiang Xian was very withdrawn, so he was prepared and expected. The effect obtained is definitely better than giving it directly to him now.

    After thinking for a while, Lin Qingyan turned to look at him, his eyes half covered by the blinds. "Jiang Xian, what do you want?"

    Jiang Xian seemed to be stopped by the question, frowning slightly, the gloomy air between his eyebrows dissipated a lot. "...No."

    "But, I have something I want, and I want to buy the same for you." Lin Qingyan seemed very troubled.

    When he heard what she wanted, Jiang Xian subconsciously wanted to buy it for her, but he didn't know what to say in the second half of the sentence. "..."

    Lin Qingyan chuckled and looked at him with a tangled look, knowing that his goal had been achieved, he retracted his mind.

    Sure enough, Jiang Xian looked at himself a little distracted even after his evening self-study, as if he was being persuaded.

    In the evening, when Lin Qingyan was bored to browse Moments, he saw a Moments posted by Wu Zhou.

    The self

    -made amorous picture is a selfie with a stinky face under the street lamp, the angle is clear, and the eyes are full of disdain and annoyance.

    Lin Qingyan found it interesting, pointed to the screen and said to the system, "Can you go to the system to see if this post he posted is only visible to me?" The

    system checked a few codes and nodded, "It's really only visible to you. "

    Originally, Wuzhou never posted selfies in the circle of friends. He asked him himself, and he also said that it would be awkward to send this to so many people.

    So he should be embarrassed to talk to himself, and intends to send his friends around the corner to isolate him.

    Lin Qingyan gave some funny likes and skipped over, but Wu Zhou commented on it for a while.

    Wuzhou: It's none of your business.

    Lin Qingyan didn't see it, and after going to wash up, he found that he made another comment below.

    Wuzhou: ... ignore me?

    With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Qingyan pretended to reply to him and responded to him.

    Lin Qingyan replied to Wuzhou: Who are you talking to? Private chat is okay, WeChat/Xin always send me a reminder message.

    Wuzhou replied to Lin Qingyan: Are you bothering you?

    Aware that the other party might be a little angry, Lin Qingyan just wanted to reply, but found that his circle of friends had been deleted.

    At this time, there is one more message in the private chat.

    Wuzhou: What are you doing?

    Lin Qingyan: Nothing to do, what's the matter?

    Wuzhou: I can't find you if I have nothing to do with you, but your roommate can find you for feelings, right?

    Seeing the two words at the same table, Lin Qingyan's heart sank, and the other party seemed to be a little jealous. After thinking about it, he seriously typed a sentence and sent it.

    Lin Qingyan: Angry?

    Wuzhou: Oh, how dare I, he even brought you a necklace, Sister Yan.

    Lin Qingyan: I have something for you tomorrow.

    Wuzhou: It's not uncommon, let's go to bed.

    At this time, the time in the upper left corner of the mobile phone shows that it has reached 0:00 the next day. A message pops up from the virtual panel of the system.

    Today's Drift Bottle in Wuzhou: I believe that women are unlucky for a lifetime; I believe that Lin Qingyan is unlucky to die.

    Seeing Wuzhou's inner thoughts, Lin Qingyan looked complicated, and asked the system humbly: "Listen to what he said, I'm like a scumbag, am I very similar?" After the

    system nodded, he immediately shook his head, "It's not like that." The host has a strong ability to understand people's hearts, not only to understand other people's thoughts, but also to prescribe the right medicine.

    Seeing how she is always uninterested and doesn't care about things and people. It is very unreal, I feel that she is a little illusory and unreal.

    Lin Qingyan retracted his gaze and looked at the two bracelets left in his palm. While thinking about tomorrow's rhetoric, he sighed inaudibly.

    "After completing the task, can they get back on track?" According to their relationship with the heroine now, the plot is a bit dangerous.

    The system nodded hesitantly, "The plot will be adjusted by itself, maybe?"

    But it's fine if you don't adjust, and the host will leave after completing the task.


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