Chapter 13

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Chapter 13, Lin Qingyan threw my love letter!

    Group owner: I've borrowed my ID card. I'm going to open a box now. You wait for my news. @All members

    Lin Qingyan pushed out the door with a bag and a fan. Seeing that there was no one in the classroom, they turned off the lights. When he turned around, he saw Wu Ji running over with a serious face, panting, "Sister Yan, we have caught that person."

    "Who?" Didn't the group leader go to open the box, why were they caught?

    "It's the boy who made the bet with you. The forum must have something to do with him." Wu Ji pointed to the corner of the classroom, where the boy was standing uneasily.

    After seeing Lin Qingyan, his expression changed.

    "Sister Yan, this kid has been waiting here for a long time." Zhou Mai pushed him, "Did you post that post?"

    "Sister Yan, I really don't have one. I'm afraid you will misunderstand, so I'll come after school. I'm done." The boy trembled as he spoke and handed out his mobile phone to open the forum page.

    In the forum of No. 1 Middle School, a person can only register one ID, so it is impossible to open a small account unless he has the ability to get someone else's student ID.

    Looking at his forum account, Zhou Mai was reluctant to believe that he had finally thought of such a person, but the result was still wrong.

    Looking through his recent posts, Wu Ji smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. "Sister Yan, then we blocked the wrong person again?"

    "Well, let's find a time to get your hair back another day. I feel like you are not very smart after dyeing your hair." Lin Qingyan looked at them with a complicated expression. green hair.

    "Then, let's change the color?" Wu Ji tugged at his hair and asked in distress.

    "Let's go, I have something to do tonight." Lin Qingyan waved them away, and she hurried to participate in the plan to smear herself.

    Wu Ji looked at the back of his boss, but he didn't know what to say. "Don't call us for fights now?"

    Zhou Mai: "Wow, it's a little sad." As the sun sets, his mood is yellower than maple leaves.

    Coincidentally, the box for the group of principals was in the box that Lin Qing had opened the day before yesterday. Before going up, Lin Qingyan specially bought a mask and wore a peaked cap.

    Afraid that his figure would be seen, he put on a black jacket, and then he reached out and knocked on the door and entered. Looking at a dozen people who were drinking and ordering songs, they coughed unnaturally.

    "I'm the group owner, who are you?" The boy who was leaning against the wall and looking at his phone immediately stood up to receive him, a young boy who was white and clean.

    "I'm mentally ill." Lin Qingyan coughed again fakely, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well recently and I have to wear a mask."

    Another girl came over with milk tea and said with concern: "Hello. Yeah, I'm the one who is speechless, when choosing a place to know that you are not in good health, we will choose a clean place."

    "Yes." The group owner echoed.

    After receiving the milk tea, Lin Qingyan sat on the song-ordering platform and looked at the fruit plate in front of them. Their faces were full of enthusiasm: eat quickly~

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