Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    There are a lot of people replying below, and the levels are level 1 and level 2. They should be newcomers who have just come to the forum for a day. Not surprisingly, they are all sailors.

    There are several old ids in the tenth grade who said how she was doing all kinds of evil in junior high school and how shameless she was.

    The actions mentioned can't be found in the original body's memory at all. Although the original body is a vicious female supporting role, she has never done anything to make money or kill her life.

    Cheating in exams is even more impossible, because she hardly ever took the exam.

    That is to say, the first dozens of floors in the post are their own talk, and there are many floors in the back. A message was revealed between the lines: Sister Yan, my boss, it is impossible to do such a thing, get out of here and laugh to death.

    Mixed with a few trolls relentless abuse.

    Scrolling to the bottom, Lin Qingyan saw that the number of replies was still increasing.

    Floor 467: Lin Qingyan is not as bad as you say, and our class doesn't hate her.

    The id is five or three, which is very difficult to make. When you click on the avatar, the posts posted in it are all resale second-hand materials, and even the watermark is forgotten.

    Lin Qingyan raised her head and glanced at the academic committee who was reading and playing with her mobile phone for the first time in the morning, and her expression was particularly unnatural, and rubbed the tip of her nose with her fingertips.

    The system poked Lin Qingyan, "Host, I also left a message, are you moved?"

    Lin Qingyan pointed to the several floors where the garbled code was dropped, the id is I love the host, "You?"

    System star eyes: "Ang!"

    "Moved, I've never been so moved in my life." While speaking, he plugged a battery into it again, "Can you find out who the owner is?"

    "I, I'll check it out!" The first time it was needed by the host, the system stuttered. Ask the system center for permission.

    "Wait for me!"

    Lin Qingyan also replied to a post below. Floor 503: The landlord is really a good person, risking being found out by Lin Qingyan for revenge, she posted to us to expose her face.

    Then there are fewer and fewer *** in the bottom, and even the first few floors have been deleted.

    On the anonymous forum, they were naturally a little bolder, but when 503 said this, they thought of Lin Qingyan's methods.

    Frightened by my own fiction, I wondered if the living ancestor would do the same to me.

    It didn't take long for the landlord to reply: Thank you for your concern, but it is an anonymous website. I know the admin and he won't leak our information.

    Even though I said this, very few people responded, especially because the sex was much less than before.

    It didn't take long for the landlord and several ids to scold them all the time, and even other trumpets tended to recover and repost. Lin Qingyan was not angry when he read the comments one by one.

    In the original plot, after Lin Qingyan had a conflict with the top student, the forum was like this the next day. But the only difference is that there are many people speaking for her this time.

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