Chapter 63

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Chapter 63, hold her hand

    As the mid-term exam approached, students in the class often came to ask Lin Qingyan questions. Originally, I was worried about whether she would have a bad temper and would reject them ruthlessly, but I didn't expect the other party to be very kind...

    Although this word is very strange, I have to say that Lin Qingyan is really kind and friendly.

    From the end of get out of class until class, there was no time to pick up water and drink. Jiang Xian took her cup to pick up water and found that his seat was also full. I heard them say again: "Woo woo woo, Sister Yan is really a good person. I didn't know Taishan before!"

    "Woo woo woo, Sister Yan, you are my great benefactor!" The

    bell finally rang in class. , The head teacher came in with a textbook. "Class is over, be quiet." The chaotic crowd had just returned to their seats, but Lin Qingyan's seat was still a bit chaotic.

    "The mid-term exam is coming soon, and you've been working hard during this time, so I'll discuss with your teacher of other subjects about getting a mutual aid pairing." The students at the bottom began to get restless as soon as they finished speaking.

    "What match?"

    "Does the head teacher want to find us a match?" The head

    teacher knocked on the podium: "Which is the right one? It's about learning and mutual assistance, so that you won't be bothering the Chinese class representative." Lin Qingyan, the representative of the Chinese class he arranged after the last monthly exam.

    "There are nine subjects in total, and those who are good at it and those who are not good at it are divided into two halves and tutor each other." The head teacher took out a few lottery boxes from the drawer.

    "For the sake of fairness, I got a lottery box for you, and I came up to draw your mutual aid members." The head teacher took out the grade sheets of each subject and began to read the names of those who failed.

    As expected, Jiang offered up nine times, and his face was not very good when the lottery was drawn. The results of the nine draws were the representative of the mathematics class of the monitor committee and Su Tong, but there was no Lin Qingyan.

    The terrifying Lin Qingyan with a heavy face could

    n't hold back his laughter, thinking that the other party would definitely not give a blank in this exam.

    Jiang Xian took the note and got off the podium without saying a word, walked to the seat step by step, and threw the note into the garbage bag. Then he stared at the people who went up to draw lots, to see who could draw Lin Qingyan's note.

    Lin Qingyan gently tugged at his sleeve, leaning on his side and said slowly, "What's wrong?" For the first time, she knew it was so interesting to ask.

    "It's alright." Jiang Xian didn't move, but his expression softened a little. Then he thought of what Lin Qingyan had said to him, he couldn't hide his thoughts, he had to express them to her, otherwise she would be very disappointed.

    Thinking of this, he slowly expressed his inner thoughts, "It's just that I didn't draw you." Then he couldn't wait to see Lin Qingyan's response, frowning and waiting.

    The head of the podium called out another person's name. He was the last one, and he failed three subjects. When he took out three notes and opened them, he found that they were all Lin Qingyan.

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