Chapter 71

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Chapter 71, Love Brain

    "Just to buy this coat?" Lin Qingyan didn't feel cold in the bookstore, so he only wore a cashmere sweater and held the coat in his hands. When he saw the clothes bag in Wu Zhou's hand, his eyes were complicated.

    "Yeah." Wu Zhou lowered his eyes and didn't say much, just took out the thick coat from the bag and put it on Lin Qingyan's body stiffly. "Send you home."

    Lin Qingyan nodded lightly, followed him out of the bookstore, and said, "Are you... cold or not?"

    Wuzhou: "It's none of your business." In the end, he seemed to be too Feeling that his tone was not good, he said awkwardly: "It's okay."

    "Why are you outside the school tonight? It's past ten o'clock." Lin Qingyan reached out to help him brush the snow off his shoulders.

    The shoulders touched by Lin Qingyan tensed for a moment, and Wu Zhou's expression did not look strange. "Passing by."

    "So coincidentally?"

    "Well." Wu Zhou looked down at the snow on the ground, listened to the sound of shoes stepping on it, and responded.

    In the past, his expression was that he had quarreled with his family, and this time it was probably the same. Lin Qingyan was stunned, "Who are you arguing with?"

    "No one..." Wu Zhou fiddled with his hair irritably, thinking that the person beside him was Lin Qingyan, and he was no longer so reluctant to express his thoughts. "Just Wu Qi."

    "Well, do you remember the last banquet?"

    "He also looked for me that time." As soon as Lin Qingyan finished speaking, he heard Wu Zhou seem a little angry: "What is he doing with you? Don't pay attention to it. Him."

    Lin Qingyan sighed vaguely, then glanced at Wuzhou, and said in a low voice, "He told me something, saying that he hoped you would forgive him."

    Wuzhou immediately stopped, his eyes dark and hazy With great emotion: "What did he tell you?"

    "It's about your family." Lin Qingyan clenched the cuffs of his coat, feeling Wuzhou's heart, and thinking that as a friend, he should try his best to help him untie the knot. .

    Even if you can't, it's good to ease up a little bit. After all, Wuzhou can't go wrong with himself...even from the point of view of being a friend.

    Wu Zhou didn't answer. He turned his head with a cold face and continued to walk forward. His brows were high and his eyes became more and more dangerous. The profile of his face was a high nose and tightly pursed lips, and his whole body exuded a warning that he could not be approached. "What else did he say?"

    "He said he..." Lin Qingyan opened and closed his lips, thinking that Wuzhou should have heard those words many times, so he didn't repeat them. "Just make your own decision."

    Wu Zhou hummed heavily, and didn't stop until he saw the Lin family's car coming to pick up Lin Qingyan. "Go back." Wu Zhou's face was cold, his brows were filled with irritability, and he raised his chin slightly to signal her to get in the car.

    "Well, good night." Lin Qingyan stretched out his hand from the car window and stroked his eyebrows before leaving, pressing it slightly. "Old."

    Wu Zhou couldn't help laughing, subconsciously feeling that he was not as mature as Shen Mi, at best he could be considered young and vigorous. "Good night." The

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