Chapter 27

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Chapter 27, Lin Qingyan, can you tonight

    After the morning exercise, Lin Qingyan came back with two new thermos cups. Facing Jiang Xian's scrutiny eyes, he put the pot on Wu Ji's head without hesitation.

    "This milk tea made by Wu Ji, I have to try it during the morning exercise." Lin Qingyan was not guilty when he lied, just thinking that the other party in the last row would definitely not see what was going on in front of him.

    Jiang Xian's expression was gloomy, "He gave you two cups?"

    Lin Qingyan took a sip of milk tea, and the fragrance of fruit tea in his mouth was replaced by the taste of tea: "Yes, he made too much."

    Jiang Xian didn't say anything, lowered his head and turned on the phone.

    Lin Qingyan was drinking while writing the topic. After class, when he was leaning against the wall to sleep for a while, he found that Mannian Hulu Jiangxian, who didn't like to move, went out with his mobile phone.

    Fanning fans one after another, Lin Qingyan poked the system's wings, "What is he doing?" The

    system smiled sweetly: "If I don't tell you, I will definitely give you a surprise."

    Lin Qingyan looked at the table with a complicated expression . The milk tea: "I really can't think of any surprises now."

    As soon as the voice fell, the window on the right was knocked.

    Wu Zhou, who was wearing a school uniform outside the window, looked very bad, probably because he hadn't rested well in the last few nights. After opening the window, Lin Qingyan took the two cups of milk tea from the other party's hand.

    "You're at the same table." Wu Zhou glanced at the window.

    Lin Qingyan shook his head, "I don't know."

    "Whose is this thermos cup, Shen Mi?" Wu Zhou's eyelids twitched and he asked with his chest folded.

    Lin Qingyan took the thermos cup seriously and showed it to him: "Wu Ji gave it to me."

    Fortunately, Shen Mi changed the style of the cup today, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain clearly to the explosive barrel.

    Wu Zhou took the book outside the window and flipped through the title: "What about fruit tea?"

    Lin Qingyan handed him another book and asked him to turn it over, "Zhou Mai sent it, and they found out that they want to send it today."

    "Then do you want my milk tea?" The wound on Wuzhou's face has not healed, and a mountain The ruthless expression of the rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

    Lin Qingyan took the milk tea with a smirk: "Yes."

    She always felt that if she said something wrong, the consequences would not be very pretty.

    Afterwards, Wuzhou put the book back on Lin Qingyan's table with a cold face, "There are two days left for the exam, so you should do the questions     well


Reaching out and rubbing Lin Qingyan's brows, he added another sentence to meet her inquiring eyes.

    "No matter what the test is, I will do it for you."

    Jiang Xian came back from the back door shortly after Wuzhou left and looked at the two more cups of milk tea on Lin Qing's banquet table.

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