Chapter 40,

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Chapter 40, Lin Qingyan, give me some rewards

    "You have such a good heart, I will definitely forgive you." Lin Qingyan blocked what the other party said.

    Before Su Tong was happy, Lin Qingyan added another sentence: "But Cai Yi can't do it, she has a bad attitude when she admits her mistake." The

    words were pressed step by step, Su Tong still had little knowledge in the end, and could only ask at a loss what to do. "Sister Qingyan, Cai Yi has such a personality. Don't be angry with her."

    Seeing this, Cai Yi felt a chill in her heart, as if she suddenly woke up after sleeping for many days. He looked at Lin Qingyan who was as jade-like in front of him in fear.

    Cai Yi remembered the things she had done these days, and the soles of her feet couldn't move like taking root. "I..."

    Lin Qingyan shook his head and looked at Su Tong regretfully: "I originally wanted to tell the principal to forgive you, but I don't think your friend thinks he has made a mistake."

    Su Tong panicked and pushed Cai Yi away , looked at Lin Qingyan angrily: "If my sister can forgive me, then I will not play with the bad guys." He

    stepped forward to hold Lin Qingyan's hand, but was avoided by the other party without hesitation.

    Lin Qingyan had no interest at all, and said coldly that there was no need. "I'll tell the school tomorrow, don't do it next time."

    After she said that, she raised her foot and left the bamboo forest.

    She can't control how much rumor Su Tong can withstand, but she just hopes that she will not be too embarrassed as the heroine.

    The bad emotions in her heart spread, and Lin Qingyan thought that she would feel much better when she came to the mission world, but she was still bored by these old things.

    The footsteps kept walking to the side road, and there were footsteps behind him. "Lin Qingyan."

    Wu Zhou walked out of the shadows, the street lights were turned down from the side, and he looked even more indifferent from the side of his face. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

    "Did you encounter anything on the way?" Wu Zhou asked in a low voice, helping Lin Qingyan hold the schoolbag.

    "No, it's just that the bamboo forest is cool at night, so stay for a while." He brought his hat to Wuzhou.

    "Your hat doesn't look good, so I'll replace it with a new one next time."

    Wuzhou touched the brim of his hat with a funny look, "Okay, just pick your vision."

    Then his eyes dimmed, thinking of the purpose of coming today: "Just tell me if you have something in the future."

    Lin Qingyan listened With these words, I feel more and more that today's affairs are too smooth, and I don't need to think about it to know that it was Wuzhou who did it.

    Wu Zhou slowed down and walked beside Lin Qingyan, his brows were deep and his mind was hard to decide: "I'm afraid that the principal said on the radio today that you won't like it, and ran to let him turn off the radio."

    Then he lowered his head and said in a muffled voice. : "In the end, I guessed right, you really don't like it."

    Without asking Lin Qingyan the reason for doing this, Wu Zhou listened to Wan Feng and looked at the profile of the person beside him. "Give me a reward, Lin Qingyan."

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