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Chapter 2: Curly Haired Dufus

Based on Season 4, Episode 1


I place my food tray next to Max and take a seat infront of it. She doesn't say anything and just continues taking small bites of an apple she clearly doesn't want to eat.

"Max. Max, you good? Max!" I wave my hand in her face and she eventually takes off her headphones.

"Hey Y/n." She looks up to meet my eyes.

"Hey! Your back on earth. How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"I'm alright. I'm just... sick of everyone asking me if I'm okay when it's obvious I'm not." She sighs.

"Well. My way of dealing with it is just to keep my head up and continue smiling. Eventually it won't be a fake smile." I tell her.

"Yeah but.. the love of your life died! Where do you get the strength to keep going?" She asks.

"I- because I found something to live for." My smile falls.

"-Or parties. Or a game where you throw balls into laundry baskets!" My head whips around to see where the voice came from.

Standing on top of a table has got to be the most attractive guy I've ever seen. He's almost more attractive than Billy! That's really saying something. He's wearing like- 3 layers in this warm weather. The bottom one being a black and white shirt that says "Hellfire Club". He looks at the table where the basketball team is sitting and Jason from earlier stands up.

"You want something, freak?" He asks the guy on the table.

The person in question uses his hands to make fake horns on his head, sticks his tongue out and makes a weird sound.

I let out a snort and at least half the people in the room turn to look at me. I blush furiously and put my head down.

"What were we talking about?" I start up Max and I's conversation again.


"You invited Erica?! Boy, that girl has a mouth, you sure Eddie will let her in?" I raise a brow.

"Well she's all we've got and I don't really want to piss off Eddie because we didn't bring in someone," Dustin says.

"You didn't ask me?" I say in a "duh" tone.

"I didn't think you'd want to. You're kinda emo." He laughs at me.

"Whatever, who was that guy that stood on the table?" I ask.

"Oh-I guess you haven't met him, huh, that's Eddie." He adjusts his cap nonchalantly.

My mouth hangs open.

"If you had told me the club leader looked like that I would have joined!" I exclaim.

"No. Really Y/n? Eddie Munson? Of all people?! For God's sake." He facepalms.

"Not my fault you twat. I don't choose who I like. On top of that, he plays DnD. That's a huge plus right there." I start weighing out the pros and cons.

"I can ask to bring you to the campaign if you want. You don't have to play, you could just watch?" He offers.

"Oh, but I thought that Dustybun didn't want his bestie going out with Eddie?" I smirk.

"Hey. I can take it back if you want." He threatens.

"You wouldn't dare you little shit." My eyes widen.

"I would!" He yelps as I hit him in the back of the head.

"Okay, Jesus! I won't. I promise." I grin.

I grab my dark blue bike and ride back to my street to get dressed.

Peddling quickly down the road, I hum a tune that I used to hear from mom. As I reach the house, I ditch my bike at the front, unlock the door and carelessly shut it behind me with a bang.

Walking upstairs to my room, I open the sliding door of my closet, cycling through different items of clothing to wear. Eventually, I settle on the usual black mom jeans and a Metallica t-shirt.

I hear a knock at the front door and run down the stairs to answer it. Opening the entrance, Dustin stands on the front porch with his 'Hellfire Club' shirt on.

"Shall we go?" I grin.

"You and Erica are the only ones dressed up, you know?" He informs.

"This-" I gesture to my outfit.

"-Is not dressing up, having matching shirts is."

I grab my bike and Dustin gets onto his as we start the ride back to the crowded school full of basketball supporters.


"I talked it over with Eddie and he was a little bit hesitant at first, but then I told him about your DnD stats and he was on board," Dustin says as we reach the club room.

I breathe deeply as he pushes open the door, allowing me to walk in before him. In the dimly lit room, I can see that Mike is already sitting down at the table and he gets up to greet us.

"What's good, Michael Myers?" We lock hands and lean in, patting each other on the back.

"Who is this?" An appealing and familiar voice sounds.

"Hello my fellow DnD player, I'm Y/n." I grin and cross my legs as I bow dramatically.

"You must be Eddie. It's a pleasure to meet you." I stick out my hand.

"Please. The pleasure is all mine N/n, can I call you N/n?" He shakes my hand and I nod.

I wave at the 11-year-old girl wearing an American flag that I only just noticed.

"Lady Apple Jack, wassup~" I wave.

"I bet I'll be the last person standing." She nods at me.

Everyone takes a seat at the table and I sidle next to Mike, tucking my long shirt underneath myself and sitting down.

"Time to start the Cult Of Vecna Campaign." Eddie rubs his hands together with a sinister grin.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now