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Chapter: Ash and Dust

Based on Season 4, Episode 9


"I want to go through the plan again," Nancy states, looking between all of us.

"Phase one?" She starts.

"We meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready," Robin says.

"Phase two?"

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which puts him in a trance." Steve replies.

"Phase three?"

"Eddie, Y/n, Bax and I will draw the bats away," Dustin says.


"We head into Vecna's hopefully bat-free Lair and then? Flambe." Robin finishes.

Nancy nods.

"And nobody moves onto the next phase till we've all copied."

Everyone grabs their weapons and we all get out of the caravan, preparing ourselves for the battle about to unfold.

Eddie opens the door to his caravan and looks up at the giant gate on the roof. Steve takes off his bag and starts climbing up the rope to grab us all a mattress. Then we all take turns going up.

Once we are all in the Upside Down, an eerie silence fills the space between us all. Steve turns to Eddie, Dustin and me and grabs Dustin's shoulders.

"If anything starts to go south here, no matter what, you abort. Okay?"

We all agree and Bax screeches in agreement.

We watch as Robin, Steve and Nancy walk away towards the house.

Dustin connects up some wires as Eddie goes in to grab his guitar from his room. The red and black dip paint looks fantastic as it matches the dark atmosphere of the Upside Down. He takes it off the wall in admiration and brings it out to Dustin.

Dustin plugs in the guitar and we all get on top of the roof.

"Let's just hope they hear this." Dustin turns up the volume on the amp.

Eddie starts playing the newest song by Metallica and my mouth drops open at how well he plays the song because it only came out a week ago. Sure enough, the loud screeching of the Demoats resounds throughout the entire Upside Down.

"Eddie! You've got thirty seconds before we need to go!" Dustin shouts.

Eddie acknowledges this and continues with the guitar solo of the song.

The bats close in faster and Bax urges me inside.

"Eddie c'mon!" 

Eddie dumps his guitar on the trailer and we all jump down and run towards the open door, shutting it quickly behind us and locking it.

Eddie and Dustin grab their weapons and shields while I load my Railway Rifle. Bax lashes his tail viciously on the ground next to me and hisses.

The two boys start cheering for the song Eddie just played and jump around like little kids.

The bats outside start slamming themselves against the walls viciously and growling at us from the outside, causing Eddie to flinch. We all huddle up together in the middle of the trailer. The screeching stops for a bit and Dustin yells.

"Given up that easy huh?!" I hush Dustin.

"Dude, was that really necessary?" A bang resounds.

The bats move closer to the vent and then it's silent again. The coast seems clear for a second.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asks.

A bat rams its way through the vent on the roof and starts fighting its way in. Eddie freaks out and the both of them begin stabbing the bat aggressively while I take shots at it with my gun.

Eddie stops attacking it and grabs a shield, reaching up and stabbing it into the roof, covering the hole with its spikes.

"Are there other vents?!" I yell.

Eddie starts swearing as he runs towards his uncle's room, bats burst up through the floor and start flying around the room vigorously. I mind-control a few of them to leave and tell their friends to leave but that will only last as long as Vecna is not in control of them.

"We need to get the hell out of here!" Dustin drops his weapon through the gate and Eddie does the same as they both climb up the rope, I mind control some of the bats and then Bax helps me up the rope. Halfway up, the door bursts open and bats fly into the room, digging into my sides with claws. I let out a yelp of pain as one takes a chunk of flesh from my side but I keep climbing, Bax hisses aggressively as he grabs the tail of one of them with his teeth. I fall through the gate and onto the mattress with a bat still attached to me, eating my flesh. Fear shoots through the boys and Dustin grabs my gun, loads it and shoots at the Demobats who eventually retreat back up the gate and away from us.

The room is filled with laboured breathing and I touch the wound on my side, letting out a hiss in pain.

"Holy shit we need to get you to a doctor."

"No! Eddie can't be seen." I yelp.

"Who cares! You need to see a doctor." Eddie tries to pick me up and I stay on my own, pushing him away.

"Just get me to Max's Mom," I state.

Eddie and Dustin tuck arms around me to help me walk and I limp towards Maxine's house as quickly as I am while Bax acts as a bandage around me with his wings.

Eddie bangs on the door and Max's mom sees the state I'm in and doesn't question it, nor the bat. She helps me inside and puts me down on the couch, lifting up my shirt and checking my wounds.

She quickly gets up and goes to grab something from the kitchen and I feel myself slipping out of conscientiousness. I can faintly hear Eddie calling my name, begging me to stay awake but the pain is too much to bear. And slowly, everything fades to black.


Not Edited.

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We are reaching the end of Season 4 where I will finally be able to write my own plot and I have a pretty good one in mind.

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