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Chapter 19: No, YOU'RE Confusing


The call I got from Max five minutes ago had me up and out of bed as quickly as I could manage with the sleep still making my brain foggy. I bike over to her house and ditch my bike at her front door before running into her room, panting.

"What's going on, are you okay, do I need to call the doctor?" I rush out.

"No, no, no nothing like that. Stay still. I need to show you something." Max says and I obey her words.

She stares intently at the stuffed cat toy on her shelf with intense concentration. After a few moments, I speak.

"Hey I don't think whatever you're trying to do is going to work-" She shuts me up.

"Just wait!" She states. 

"Jesus okay." I look at the cat with much less focus than she does.

Suddenly she gives up and sighs aggressively.

"I don't understand. It worked before!" She groans.

"What did?" I ask, confused.

"I was thinking about what happened to that bird-" I cut her off.

"Oh my lord, not the bird again."

"Shut up! SO I was thinking about the bird and then the cat suddenly got up and started moving around. I thought if I tried getting it to move then it would." She informs.

"It wasn't you who made the bird get up, okay? Maybe we just didn't realize it was still alive." I say.

"No! You and I both know that bird was dead as a door nail when I grabbed it. And you should also remember that my cat toy was in a different pose when you last came over." She says.

It's then that I stop trying to convince her because I know she's right. The cat was in a different position when I came over. It was laying down last time and now it was sitting up as if it were a person.

"I've also been hearing these voices that sound extremely familiar-"

"Wait now you're telling me you're hearing voices from the fricking great beyond or some shit? Max, are you sure you've been drinking enough water recently? Is you're head okay?" I ask her.

"I am NOT crazy! Don't you understand? Something supernatural is doing this. Maybe Vecna came back to mess with us? Would you be calling me crazy then?"

"Okay, okay. I believe you. But we still don't know if this is Vecna or not. Okay? I need to go see Robin but I can come over to talk to you about this later if you want?" I offer.

"Sounds good." She folds her arms.

"Alright, see ya later, Red." I chuckle at Eddie's nickname for her.

After leaving Max's house, I walk down the streets of Hawkins on my way to the movie store. On my way there, a brightly coloured poster catches my eye and I turn to look at it. A carnival huh? I'm definitely going to beg Eddie to take me. Maybe that will be good for our second date. And I can't forget I've got that Corroded Coffin concert to go to this Friday. The band got a gig in a city just 2 hours away from Hawkins so no one will be looking for Eddie as he's not wanted for murder there. 

I tear the poster off the wall and fold it, tucking it into my back pocket before pushing open the door to Family Video. I walk up to the counter and catch the tail-end of a conversation between an angry Robin and who I assume to be a customer who deserves it.

"No, you can't keep the movie if you don't want to return it, sir! I am TRYING to be polite here can you please stop being so fucking difficult and return the damn movie." She slams the phone down onto the base of the phone.

"Oh, Y/n! Glad to see you. My shift finally ends in half an hour if you want to go to a cafe with me after?" Robin smiles kindly at me with tired eyes.

"Yeah, sure. I'm not too busy today so that should be fine." I agree. 

Robin stacks some VHSs on top of each other in a neat pile and I chuckle at the memory of Dustin tipping them over with his bag while looking for Eddie.

"So Robin. You and Vicky huh?" A sly grin creeps onto my face.

"Uhm no! There is no Me and Vicky! She doesn't even really talk to me." Robin mutters the last part.

"Then you need to go talk to her! I bet you two would make a really cute couple." I smile at my friend.

"She is pretty adorable... I mean no! No coupling! No cuteness!" Robin yelps.

"Sure.." I chuckle.

We continue our conversation right up until the end of her shift when we head to the diner and sit down in a booth.

I order my fries and burger while Robin orders a chocolate milkshake and we make conversation till our food arrives.

"Has Max been acting off to you?" I ask as I eat a fry.

"Hm? Yeah a bit I guess. Not really different from how weird she normally is." Robin says.

"True, I just think there's something wrong and I wanted to see what you thought of it." I open my burger and add tomato sauce to it.

"I think she's just a bit upset about Lucas y'know? Didn't they have something going on?" She suggests as an answer to Max's behaviour.

"Maybe you're right." I take a bite of my beef burger.

"Wouldn't you know out of everyone? She talks to you the most. If you have questions, why not go to her about them?" Robin asks.

"Because I don't want her to think that I think she's acting different. It would just cause more unwanted stress to her situation." I answer.

"I mean whatever you say." Robin shrugs before taking a long sip from her milkshake.

The conversation dies off and we end up spending the rest of the time just eating our food and talking about whatever comes to mind.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now