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Chapter 8: A Visit To Billy

Season 4, Episode 4


2 P.M. rolls around fast as Eddie and I spent the entire time cracking jokes and shit-talking Jason. I get up from my spot on the ground, scattering the three beer cans on my lap. I wave goodbye to Eddie and hop into the back seat of Steve's car next to Max. In her lap sits a decent-sized pile of letters each with the name of one of our friends. Sitting at the top of the envelopes is a name I didn't expect to see. 


Max notices me looking and hides the letter under the pile in a not-so-subtle fashion. 

"Where we off to, Steve?" I look at the mirror in the front.

"The uhh.. graveyard so Max can read her letter to her brother. She thinks she's going to die soon." He doesn't take his eyes off the road.

I turn to look at the redhead next to me.

"Max? You don't actually think we would let Vecna kill you, do you? I will mind fight him if I have to." I tell her.

"Just a precaution." She mutters. 

I give a slight look of dismay and turn to look back out of the window next to me.

Later, we arrive at our destination and Max nudges me.

"Could you maybe.. come with me? It wouldn't feel right if you weren't there Y/n." She asks.

"Yes, of course." I unbuckle myself and open the door.

"Could you all maybe stay here please?"

The boys all nod and we walk off to the gates of the graveyard. We walk through the engraved stones and up a small hill to the familiar grave that belongs to the love of my life.

Max sits down on the grass in front of Billy's grave and reaches into her pocket to grab the letter she wrote for him. I lean down and cross my legs next to her. 

"Dear Billy. I'm not even sure you can hear this. But after everything that's happened these past few years I know that there's a chance that you can. After you died, your dad was a mess. Y/n was too. Mom and I started fighting more. Our parents divorced and now we live in a trailer park. I blame myself for your death. I just stood there. And I regret it every day." A tear rolls down her cheek and she wipes it away quickly.

I wrap an arm around her shoulder and she continues reading.

"And uh, everything's been going wrong. Since you left, I mean. We are facing a new monster and that's actually why I'm here. Because I might be joining you soon, wherever you are. And so I guess this is my goodbye to you and everyone. I always knew one of us wasn't going to make it out of this. Love, your shitty little sister, Max." She finishes. 

"I really do miss him, Max. I love him. He is the only one for me and I hate myself for not saving him." I whisper.

"You do?" She asks, turning to look at me.

"Yeah. Truly." I say.

"So you haven't moved on." She phrases it as a statement more than a question.

Max turns back to her brother's gravestone and sighs. I hug my legs to my chest as we sit in silence for a bit.

After a few minutes, I stand up and reach a hand to her.

"We better go Max. The others will be worried by now." I look at her.

She doesn't say anything. Doesn't grab my hand.

"Max?" I turn to look at her face and freeze. Her eyes are twitchy in a way that is looking up. Red lines streak across her sclera like spiderwebs and I shake her violently.

"Max! You wake up right now." I stand up.

"Steve! Steve, she won't wake up!" I yell to the parked car.

The tall brunette gets out of his vehicle and slams the door shut, quickly followed by Dustin and Lucas and they all run over towards us. I can hear Dustin basically screaming at his walkie-talkie for Robin and Nancy to reply but to no avail. I shake Max harder and she doesn't budge. 

The boys reach our location and kneel around Max, talking to her and grabbing her shoulders, trying to jolt her out of the curse. Dustin continues to screech into his walkie-talkie and Robin finally gives him an answer. 

"Yeah, hello, what's up Dustin?"

"It's Max, Vecna's already in her mind. Please tell me you have something." He exclaims frantically.

"Uh. Uhm. Yes! Play her favourite song. Do it now." Robin directs him.

Dustin runs back to the car and snatches up Max's walkman along with a few of her cassettes before coming back and spreading them along the ground in front of us.

"Guys, what's her favourite song?" He asks as Lucas shuffles through them.

"Last I checked it was Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush or something," I tell him.

Lucas grabs the purplish cassette from its case and opens the walkman, placing it inside and starting it. I put Max's headphones over her ears as the music starts playing. Her body slowly starts lifting into the air and we all stand up. I grab her leg and try to pull her down but it's like something is pulling her up and away from me with great strength.

I jump up and try to grab her but I just get pulled up with her. Eventually, gravity wins and my grip on her faulters, causing me to fall onto the hard ground. I get up from the ground and look up at the floating redhead as she hangs in mid-air. Then---as if Vecna had just given up---Max drops from the sky and her legs hit the ground. She cringes in pain from the ground shock and falls into Lucas' lap.

She curls up into a ball, tears streaming down her face as we all crowd around her. 

"Max, are you okay?" I ask the shaken girl.

She gives me no answer as her laboured breathing slows down. She may have beaten Vecna this time. But this is not the last time we will hear from him.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now