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Chapter 17: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil


I sit up in bed with a gasp. Wait. Bed? When was I in bed? Where's Eddie? I look around my surroundings, rough concrete walls, and fluorescent lights hanging from the concrete ceiling. I'm in a basement, I think

"Eddie!" My voice is hoarse from not being used for a while.

A smile lights up my face as the curly-haired goof runs into the room. He immediately rushes to my side and wraps his arms around me nuzzling his face into my neck.

"God I missed you." He says.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Two days, princess. Two days too long." He sighs.

I wrap my arms around him and we just lay there for a bit, in calm silence. After a few moments, I speak up.

"So... What happened? After the fight, I mean. Did we win? Is Vecna dead? Did we all survive?" I ask.

Eddie sits up and crosses his legs at the end of the bed.

"Lucas is... He's in a coma. And Jason has convinced everyone I did it. He's been watching his bedside to talk to him when he wakes up so he can 'confess to me doing this' or some bullshit." He buries his face in his hands.

"But he's okay right?" I question.

"Yeah, of course. he's in stable condition. But he isn't going to wake up any time soon." He says.

"What about Bax, where is he?"

"Well uh, after our fight with Vecna he kinda maybe sorta.. went back into the gate and never came back?" He tries to put it lightly.

"Oh..." I frown.

"Vecna is still out there y'know. We didn't kill him. We almost did though. Thanks to you." He chuckles.

"Well it wasn't all me, in fact, I didn't even really protect the others from the bats, that was all you with your amazing guitar playing," I tell him.

"Don't sell yourself so short, you drew most of them away from us. You saved mine and Dustin's lives." He assures.

The room falls silent as there's nothing more to say. I sit myself up in the bed and then speak.

"Hey Eddie, can I see Lucas?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean sure. But I can't go with you y'know I'll get caught. And I seriously can't go to prison now what with everything we went through." He warns.

"That's fine, Eddie. Can Steve take me?" I ask

Right on cue, the fluffy-haired boy runs into the room, almost slamming head-first into the doorframe with a jolt. 

"I heard Y/n! Is she awake?" He asks.

"No Steve, I'm obviously dead as a doormouse." I chuckle.

He sighs in relief at my joke, stepping over to my bed and hugging me.

"Thank god you're okay." He says.

"Steve, could you take me to the hospital to see Lucas?" I ask, my voice filled with concern.

Steve's expression softens, his eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and determination. "Of course, Y/n."

We leave the basement behind, venturing out into the world outside. The journey to the hospital feels both long and short, a blur of thoughts and worries racing through my mind. Finally, we arrive at the sterile corridors of the medical facility.

As we approach Lucas's room, my heart sinks at the sight that greets me. Lucas lies motionless on the hospital bed, his body covered in casts and bandages. The sight of his broken limbs sends a chill down my spine.

"Oh, my god..." I whisper, unable to tear my gaze away from his injured form.

Steve places a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering silent support. Together, we step into the room, careful not to disturb his fragile state. Machines beep rhythmically in the background, a reminder of the battle he's fighting even in her unconscious state.

Tears well up in my eyes as I approach the bed, taking in every detail of his face. I reach out and gently grasp his hand, a mixture of emotions overwhelming me: sadness, worry, and an unwavering determination to see him recover.

"We're here, Lucas," I whisper, my voice barely audible.

We remain there for a while, offering our silent support to our friend in his time of need. Despite the heaviness in the room, a flicker of hope remains, reminding us that we've faced challenges before and emerged stronger.

I glance at Steve who has a stray tear running down his face. Upon seeing me looking at him he quickly reaches up to wipe away the liquid. With a gentle squeeze of Lucas's hand, I turn to the door and leave through it, walking out of the building.


Approaching the familiar cottage, a sense of warmth washes over Steve and I. Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Max, Eleven, Will, Mike, Jonathan, Joyce, and Eddie are gathered inside, awaiting our arrival. The air is filled with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

One by one, they greet us with smiles and hugs. Mike, Eleven, and Will embrace me tightly, their love and relief palpable. I let the emotions flow freely as we reconnect.

Joyce pulls me aside, her motherly instincts shining through. There's a knowing look in her eyes as she speaks softly.

She embraces me tightly before resting her hands on my shoulders.

"Y/n, the others have all been telling me about a certain Eddie Munson you've been growing close to," she says with a knowing smile.

A blush rises to my cheeks, and I find myself taken aback by Joyce's astuteness. I look down, uncertain of how to respond.

Joyce places a comforting hand on my arm, her voice filled with understanding. "It's okay, sweetheart. Love has a way of finding us in the most unexpected moments. Eddie cares about you deeply, and I can see the same in your eyes."

I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of vulnerability and gratitude. Joyce's words offer reassurance and validation, and it's a relief to confide in someone who understands.

"I... I think I am falling for him," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper.

Joyce smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with maternal tenderness. "Love is a beautiful thing, Y/n. Embrace it, cherish it. Life is too short to deny ourselves the chance at happiness."

Her words resonate deeply within me, stirring a sense of courage and acceptance. I take a moment to let it sink in before I respond, a newfound determination in my voice.

"Thank you, Joyce. Your support means the world to me. I won't hold back anymore. I'll let myself open up to the possibility of love. It's just been hard to allow myself those feelings because of my 'parents'."

Joyce pulls me into a gentle hug, her embrace conveying a sense of understanding and encouragement. "And that's normal. But if you love Eddie as I'm sure he loves you then all will be okay. Just remember, love can be both exhilarating and challenging. But if it's meant to be, it will find a way."

We hug one last time before the both of us return to the cabin and I sit down next to Eddie while Joyce goes to Jim. I reach down between Eddie and I and grab his warm hand.

"So Mr Munson, how about that date, huh?" 


So I decided to chance the outcome of this story because I really need Max alive and well for the big plans I have for this book. I was writing the next chapter and then remembered that Max can't very well do anything for the book if shes kinda almost dead and I'm sorry but Lucas really isn't going to be a major character in this Arc. So to all of you who read this chapter before I changed my mind, my apologies.


𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now