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Chapter 7: Food Delivery

Season 4, Episode 3


I throw some fluffy blankets into the trunk of the car and close it, getting into the front seat. Steve gets into the driver's side and starts the car.

"To the grocery store," I tell him.

We drive along the road to the closest shop and Steve parks. I grab the shopping bags from the trunk and place them at the bottom of a shopping cart.

The whole group walks into the store with me and we go through the different aisles, picking out multiple snacks we think Eddie will enjoy. I grab the more necessary items like meat and hot water bottles. I grab some Jelly Tip ice creams as well for the rest of us and some popcorn.

When we've gone through the entire store, the others get into the car while Robin, Steve and I go through the checkout.

I swipe my debit card and type in my pin, silently grieving for my bank balance as I put it back into my wallet.

I wheel the shopping cart to the back of Steve's car and pop open the trunk. Tossing the more stables items and carefully placing the chips and sausages down so as not to break them.

Once again, I get in the car and we drive back to Reefer Rick's house, now with food. When we arrive, I grab the two blankets I packed earlier and put them under my arms so I can grab a few shopping bags.

I walk to the boat shed and kick open the door because my arms are full.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie looks like he just jumped out of his skin.

"Sorry. I brought those blankets that I told you about." I dump them in his arms and put the bags down.

"Yeah, we brought food." Dustin hands him a bag of chips and Eddie opens it, sitting on the boat.

"So we got some good news and bad news. How do you take it?" Dustin asks.

"Bad news first, Always." Eddie eats another chip.

"Okay... bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD and they are definitely on the lookout for you." Dustin relays.

"They're also pretty convinced you killed Chrissy," I tell him.

"Like- 100%," Max adds.

"The good news is, your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found you then it's only a matter of time before others do too." Robin informs.

"Nah. We've got time. We only found him because Max knew it was his house." I say.

"Yeah. But when they do. Everyone and their shallow-minded mother are going to be looking for you." Robin warns.

"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie asks.

I look down. There was more I wanted to say but now isn't the time. We have to sort out this mess, then I can deal with my feelings.

"You're not a freak," I mutter and he glances at me before looking back at Dustin.

"So... before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and clear your name." The curly-haired boy says.

"Really, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie asks sarcastically.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Dustin doesn't pick up on Eddie's sarcastic tone.

"Look, Eddie. I know what Dustin is saying sounds totally delirious, but we've been actually through this before." Robin assures the brunette.

"Plus, Y/n still has her powers. So we still have a good chance of beating the ugly snake." Steve says.

"So... right now we're in more of the uh.. brainstorming phase!" Dustin smiles.

"My powers might not be so good against someone who can make others stuck in their minds," I tell them.

"Oh yeah... Maybe not so good. Well! It's still time to come up with more plans and ideas. But we should probably try to get in touch with Mike and the others first." Dustin suggests.

I crack open a can of beer and take a sip of the cold drink, tasting the bitterness of it as it slides down my throat.

"Yeah- So- We do that first and then we'll start forming our plan, first we need to make sure Eddie is safer. Anyone could come here and find him, it's not like Rick is gonna stop them from trespassing." I chuckle.

I hold a can out to Eddie and he takes it, giving me a small smile.

"You guys go ahead, I think I'm just going to hang out with Eddie for a bit. Mind picking me up at 2, Steve?" I ask the fluffy-haired boy.

"Yeah, should be fine. If these guys don't total my car. You kids have fun and keep it PG." He points at the both of us and I snort.

"You are our mother Stevie. Don't worry, with most of our parents knowing nothing about the whole 'fighting monsters' thing; it's nice for us to all have someone looking out for us." I beam at him.

"Yeah yeah, stay safe you two." He steps over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, squeezing me close before letting go and walking out the door like everyone else had started to do.

The old red door shuts behind him with a squeak leaving Eddie and me in silence.

 "So... You wanted a bit of alone time with me, huh princess?" He smirks, leaning back against the wooden crates behind him. I sit down on the blue tarp next to him and take another sip of my drink before answering,

"Maybe I did. You gonna bug me about it, Edward?" I tease.

"Ooh no, I enjoy your company just as much as you seem to enjoy mine. I've never really been friends with a girl before so... it's nice." He says truthfully, looking down at the murky water ebbing between the floorboards below us.

"Yeah. You've been through so much the past three days and for that I am sorry. But know that I am here to help you through all of it. The only bad part is... this isn't the end. This is our fourth fight with creatures and monsters from The Upside Down. I'm pretty sure that we aren't all going to be so lucky this time and I'm scared." I look into the long-haired boy's olive-green eyes.

"You don't have to worry. The others will come up with a great plan and we will all make it out of this alive. You saw them fight Vecna once. How hard can it be to do it again?" He reassures me.

I let out a small laugh and smile at his attempt to cheer me up. 

"I'm not sure that counts Eddie, but sure. How hard can it be." He gives me a kind-hearted smile as I sip the last of my beer.


So... Hey! I am back and 10 times better than last time hah. A friend of mine convinced me to continue writing and not leave my book behind. Another thing is that all the hate that those very strange Eddie stans are getting is kinda deserved, but that doesn't mean that all the others are and they don't need that kinda shit. Just because we own a hellfire shirt doesn't mean we're going to start randomly singing Chrissy Wake Up and do the devil horns thing. Bullying random people online for identifying with a character is probably the shittiest thing you can do. Anyways, I'll probably update a bit more now that I am doing somewhat okay so baii :]

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now