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The upside down was eerie and ominous as we pulled up to Nancy's dilapidated house. The overgrown vines crept up the walls, weaving their way in and out of the empty window frames. The light peeking through the broken glass seemed to glare at us like angry eyes, warning us to turn back. Bax hisses at the house, ready to protect me if anything happens.

As I pushed open the creaky front door, the blinds rattled against the windows. Nancy headed upstairs while the rest of us stayed on the ground floor. Steve and Robin went to the right while Eddie wandered absentmindedly into the living room. I followed him through the creeping vines that seemed to have taken over the entire room.

"So, were you scared when you first came through here?" Eddie asked me, breaking the silence.

"Obviously, a Demogorgon pulled me in. I was freaking out, and my powers weren't working either so that just added to the fear," I replied, running my fingers along the top of the smashed TV.

"Are you afraid now?" he asked.

"Nah, I know you guys have my back, and I hope you know I've got yours," I winked at him.

He looked up at the lights on the roof, reaching his hand out to touch them. Suddenly, we both flinched at Nancy's angry yell from upstairs.

"I assume she didn't find what she was looking for?" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

I went up the stairs to Nancy's bedroom, where she was staring into a box of shoes with annoyance. Robin followed me, with Eddie trailing behind.

"No guns, I assume?" Robin asked.

"No," Nancy replied sharply, shoving the shoes back into the box.

"These shoes are pointy, but I was hoping for a deadly projectile," Robin joked.

"Uh, yeah, Wheeler. Those aren't really guns," Eddie added.

Nancy sighed angrily. "I got rid of these shoes years ago... and this homework- it's from..." She trailed off.

"The day Will Byers went missing," I finished for her.

"It was all over the newspapers," Eddie chimed in.

Nancy put the lid back on the shoebox and sifted through the different homework pages.

"Dustin!" Steve's voice echoed through the house.

I rushed down to the living room where Steve was yelling at the walls. "Where is Dustin? Is he okay? Is he here?" I asked him with concern.

But I stopped in my tracks when I saw Steve continuing to yell at the walls. "Dustin! Dustin, can you hear me? Hello?" he shouted.

Eddie accidentally walked into me from behind, mumbling a quick apology as he grabbed my shoulders and moved around me.

"What are you doing, Steve?" Nancy asked.

"It's Dustin! The little shit is here! He's like, in the walls or something, just listen! Dustin!" Steve walked off to find the voice again.

We all stood in confusion, the tension in the air thick, until Henderson's voice filled the room.

"I remember Will figured out a way to talk to his mom with the lights," Nancy says suddenly, breaking the silence. "Maybe Dustin's trying to do the same thing?"

Without waiting for a response, she starts flicking light switches on and off, trying to communicate with Dustin through the flickering lights.

"Uh.. guys, look at this," Steve says, pointing up at the ceiling.

I reach out and tentatively put my hand through the shimmering lights. They feel warm and almost tangible like I could grab hold of them if I tried. Steve brings up his hand to touch the shimmer around the lights, along with Robin and Nancy.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now