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Chapter 23: Music To My Ears


As I step through the doors of the club, a surge of vibrant energy envelops me. The air is thick with the scent of anticipation, and the pulsating beat of Metallica music reverberates through the walls. Neon lights flicker and illuminate the dimly lit space, casting an electric glow over the decor.

The club's aesthetic is instantly apparent. Graffiti-covered walls display rebellious slogans and band logos, paying homage to the underground rock scene of the era. The dance floor, packed with an eclectic mix of punks, misfits, and music enthusiasts, is alive with frenetic movement and exudes a sense of raw freedom.

Flashes of neon colours and bold patterns dominate the attire of club-goers, who embrace the fashion trends of the era. Studded leather jackets, ripped fishnet stockings, and band T-shirts create a kaleidoscope of fashion, blending the edginess of the genre with the nostalgic flair of the sweet, sweet 80s.

The stage, adorned with a tattered banner displaying the club's name in bold, rebellious font, serves as the focal point of the room. It's a platform for up-and-coming bands to showcase their raw talent and challenge the status quo. The screeching guitar riffs and thunderous drum beats fill the air, as the bands before Corroded Coffin unleash their angst and frustration through their music, captivating the crowd with their untamed energy.

The band and I head backstage to prepare for their set and Eddie tunes his guitar to where he needs it. I hear clapping and cheering as the band up front finishes their song with enthusiasm.

"Alright, Eddie you can do this, if you get worried with all of the people just focus on me, okay?" I look into the brunette's eyes.

"Okay, I can do this." Eddie tries to hype himself up.

I go back to the crowd and make my way to the front as Corroded Coffin debuts the stage. Their first song 'I Don't Love You' fills the large room with music and the crowd cheers and claps for the band. Eddie starts the vocals calmly,

"Well, when you go... Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay~" His voice is angelic and can actually reach higher notes than I expected but I'm proud of him nonetheless.

"I don't love you. Like I did. Yesterday~" Garrett sings the start of the chorus and the spotlight turns to him as Eddie plays loud notes skillfully on the guitar along with Jeff.

The crowd surges with energy, their voices blending with the band's melodic rebellion. The pulsating rhythm takes hold of everyone, as bodies sway and heads bang in unison. The air crackles with anticipation, each note echoing off the walls, reverberating through the souls of those in attendance.

As the song reaches its climax, the energy intensifies. Eddie's voice grows stronger, intertwining with Garrett's powerful drumming and Jeff's electrifying guitar riffs. The bassline thumps through the speakers, shaking the very foundation of the club. The crowd is electrified, caught up in the infectious energy of the music.

Sweat glistens on Eddie's forehead as he pours his heart and soul into the performance, channelling his emotions through each lyric. The connection between the band and the crowd is palpable, a symbiotic relationship fueled by a shared love for the music and the rebellious spirit it represents.

"I don't love you. Like I loved you. Yesterday..." Eddie finishes.

As the final chords reverberate through the air, the crowd erupts into a frenzy of applause and cheers. The band members share triumphant smiles, their faces glowing with a sense of accomplishment. The club pulsates with an atmosphere of pure exhilaration, the walls vibrating with the echoes of a night that will be etched in the memories of all who were present.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Corroded Coffin revels in the moment, basking in the adoration of their fans. The stage lights dim, the music fades, and the room is left buzzing with the electric energy of a performance that transcended time and left an indelible mark on the hearts of all who experienced it.

As I make my way backstage, I can't help but feel a surge of pride and awe for Eddie and the band.  It's a night to remember, that's for sure. I pull out my instant camera and snap a photo of the band, Eddie halfway through tying up his hair while Jeff and Garrett play fight with drumsticks. I write the date and the venue on the bottom before slipping the photo into my pocket as Eddie walks over to me, his hair now tied up in a messy bun at the back of his head.

"Where did you get that, it's cool." He asks me.

"Got it for my birthday like a month ago." I shrug.

He gingerly grabs the camera from me and walks behind me, putting the camera over my shoulders and in front of us. He leans down and places a kiss on my cheek, snapping a photo while I blush profusely at his actions. The photo print and we both look at the moment captured in time before I slip it into my pocket with the other one, a small smile playing on my lips.

"You guys did amazing today." I smile at the band of friends.

"Garrett got the number of a record dealer!" Jeff almost squeals like a little girl talking about boys with her friends.

"No fucking way dude!" Eddie and Jeff grab each other's shoulders and hop up and down like children and I laugh.

"That's great guys." I smile, happy for the group.

We all pile into the back of Eddie's van once the instruments are secure and start the 2-hour drive back to Hawkins and to the Cabin.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now