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Chapter 9: Next Plan Of Action

Season 4, Episode 5


I wave goodbye to Steve and knock on the door of Reefer Rick's house once again. A smile graces my features as Eddie opens the door, a fork hanging from his mouth. He chuckles and moves aside to let me in, closing the door behind me and locking it.

"I was just heating up some sausages, you want any? I don't know how to cook but how hard can it be, ya know?"

I grin as we walk into the small kitchen, the smell of cooking meat filling my nostrils. I grab the half-broken tongs and turn the sausages before they can burn. A pair of arms wrap around me from behind, causing me to drop the utensil while Eddie rests his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you, you've been gone for ages." He mutters into my ear.

"I've been gone for two days, Eddie." I chuckle.

"Yeah but there's been no one else here. It's so boring without you." He whines.

"You better slow down there buddy, I might start thinking you actually want me around." I joke.

"There's not really anyone else I would rather be with. I get I've only known you for about two weeks but you're already more important to me than you know, Y/n." He says seriously.

His words stun me and my brain just goes blank.

"Uhhhh. Thanks?" Brain no function.

He chuckles and unwraps himself for me, picking up the tongs and taking the almost burnt sausages off the pan to a plate. I shake my foggy head and walk over to the couch, flopping down and sprawling my legs across the entire thing. Eddie comes over with the plate of food, lifting my legs and sitting down before placing them on his lap. I feel the urge to pull away but I don't. It's actually a really comfortable position to be sitting in. I avoid eye contact with the curly-haired boy while he stares at me.

"Hey uh, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together." He chuckles and I turn to look at him, a smile on my face.

"You tried, Munson. You tried." I laugh.

"Worth a shot." He pats my leg.

I get up off him and reach out a hand for him to grab.

"C'mon, Steve wants us to stay in the boat shed so you don't get found and it's getting dark," I tell him.

He grabs my hand and I pull him up from the couch, walking with him to the back door. We open the crusty door of the boat shed and I lock the door behind us, sitting down on the boat that's hanging from the ceiling. I cross my legs and pull a beer out from under the wooden seat, cracking it open and handing it to Eddie who joins me on the boat.

"Damn, why'd you hide these from me, huh?" He jokes.

"Oh, they aren't mine. They're Ricks, I swear I told you he's my cousin." I say casually.

"Wait, you mean to tell me, you're Sunshine?" He asks.

"Wow, no one's called me that in ages. But yeah, Rick used to call me that when we were little. Never knew why." I say.

"Damn, he used to talk about you all the time when we got high, I always thought that he was making up someone who didn't exist." He takes a sip from his drink.

He brushes his foot with mine and opens his mouth to say something when the sound of a car engine fills our ears. Eddie gets up from the boat.

"Do you think it's the cops?" He whispers.

I shake my head and Eddie walks up to the window, freezing at what he sees. Shit, shit, shit. What do we do?

Jason starts pounding on the door, shouting for us to let him in.

"Eddie, what the hell did you do? Open the damn door!" He yells.

Eddie's eyes widen and he looks at me in panic.

"Y/n What do we do!" He hisses.

"The boat, c'mon let's untie it. They'll be easier to get away from in the water.

We quickly untie it and Eddie grabs the oars and starts frantically rowing us out into the middle of the lake. I try to start the engine but it won't turn on, leaving us at the mercy of the current.

Jason and Patrick jump into the water and start swimming towards us, their eyes filled with anger and determination. Just as they reach us, Jason opens his mouth to say something and I look into his eyes.

"You can't get us." I use my power.

"What?" He croaks.

He tries to advance further but he can't. Suddenly, Patrick flies up into the air quickly. His eyes turn white and he starts floating in the air, his bones make a sickening cracking sound and blood streams from his eyes. He lets out a painful scream of pure agony and his eyes suddenly cave in from the inside. Everything goes silent as his body falls into the water with a splash and Jason freaks out, turning to us in the water.

"You did this, you fucking devil worshippers! I don't know how I'm not able to move right now but I will find out. You killed Chrissy too!" He shouts.

"You gonna kill me as well, Munson? Huh?" He yells.

"Oh get over it, Jason! My god! You're a pathetic asshole. Chrissy. Was. Looking. For. Drugs." I snark.

"You're lying. Chrissy would never! She was a good person." I slap a hand on" my forehead.

"Oh my god, good people do drugs. Take Eddie for instance. He does drugs but he's never killed anyone and he's not stalking people. What are you doing Jason? Stalking. You're a disgusting creep and I hope you die in the final battle." I spit out.

"The final battle? You gonna kill more people?" He sneers.

"We didn't kill anyone. But if you don't let this go then we're never going to catch the real killer. You're a piece of shit and by the way? You're only half as good as Billy Hargrove was in basketball." I turn to Eddie.

Eddie is shaking with fear and I grab his hand, trying to calm him down.

"We have to get out of here, now," I tell him.

He nods and he starts rowing away as fast as he can, leaving Jason floating next to Patrick's body. My mind is filled with selfish thoughts as we make our way to the other side of the lake. At least it wasn't Max this time.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now