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Chapter 6: Explanation and My Choice

Season 4, Episode 3


"Her body just like, lifted into the air uh.. and she just, she just like hung there..." He shakes while speaking.

"And her bones... they uh.. they started to snap." He closes his eyes and I can see flashes of the images in his head.

I squeeze his hands comfortingly and he continues.

"Her eyes man. It was like, something was pulling from the inside. I didn't know what to do so I uh... I ran." He shakes the images from his mind.

"I left her there." He mumbles.

"You all think I'm crazy." He scoffs.

"No, Eddie. Not at all." I say.

"No. No don't, bullshit me Y/n. I know how to sounds." He pulls his hands from mine.

"I'm serious." I deadpan.

"We believe you." Robin adds.

"Look. What I'm about to tell you might be... hard to take." Dustin starts.

"You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed? Well they're not.. way off." Dustin tries to put it lightly as he dives into the past few years.

Dustin explains to him every little detail of the Upside Down and the monster's we've faced. He mentions Billy and to my anger, talks about how I dated Billy. After it all, Eddie looks at me and I just know he has questions.

"So.. so. Y/n.. you have, Mind reading powers, and you can control people?" Eddie questions.

"Yup." I look down.

"How do I know you haven't mind controlled me?" He asks incredulously.

"Because I wouldn't do that to you." I state dead serious.

"And have you read my mind?" He questions.

"Um.. yes. But only just today, when you were thinking about Chrissy. It... wasn't pretty." I tell him.

"And. You grew up with this girl, Eleven?" He inquires.

"No. I was raised by people who claimed to be my parents. They did experiments when they found out what I could do but no, what I went through wasn't half as bad as what they did to her." I think back on what I've seen in El's mind.

I catch a glimpse of Eddie's watch and the time.

"Guy's it's midnight. We've gotta go." I inform them.

"Oh. Okay. We'll be back tomorrow with food and stuff." Dustin tells Eddie.

I wait for everyone to leave before turning to Eddie and cupping his face. I lean in and place a kiss on his forehead.

"I'll bring some blankets so you're a little more comfortable here, okay?" His cheeks turn pink.

"Okay." He says, his voice full of aloofness.

I turn around and walk out the door. Closing it behind me carefully.

"Having a little moment with your future husband?" Steve leans against his car, crossing his arms.

"I was just letting him know that I don't hate him, and that what Dustin said about Billy will not conflict our growing relationship." I glare at Dustin.

Robin chuckles and Max scoffs before getting in the car.

"What's her problem?" I ask.

"Not sure." Robin answers.

I get in the front seat and buckle myself in, leaning against the window.

Steve gets in, starts the car and drives to my house where we'll all sleep over.


I dump multiple blankets on the sea of mattresses that surround my living room floor. And start making a bed for myself

"My parents are never home so feel free to eat anything you want." I tell them, laying down on my bed face up.

Steve and Dustin put blankets and pillows on the floor on the beds across from me while Robin take the bed on one side, leaving the other for Max who is in the bathroom.

I get up from the bed to grab a glass of water while the others get settled in.

Opening the cabinet of cups, I take one from a stack and turn on the tap, holding it under until it's full before taking a sip. I hear the toilet flush and Max walks into the kitchen to wash her hands.

"Why were you so annoyed earlier?" I ask her, tipping the rest of my water down the sink.

"It's nothing." She mutters and scrubs her hands harder.

"It's not. Was it me? What did I do." She grabs a tea towel to dry her hands and sighs.

"Just. You and Eddie. I mean, how can you just get over my brother like that? After all you two went through." She tells me.

"Max. He's gone. And I've learned to accept that. People deal with grief in their own ways, I just happened to get over it a little quicker than you." I place my glass on the bench.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin your new chance at happiness. It's just hard seeing you move on from something that was so important to you, I mean... you look so happy when you're around Eddie and I don't want to make it seem like I'm not happy for you. Because I am." She explains.

I pull her into a hug.

"It's okay. I know you want to be okay with it. And I'm willing to not talk about Eddie as much around you until you're moving on too. And you can take your time. Just know that I will never forget Billy. He was my first love. And I won't forget what he did for Eleven. I've just found someone else to protect me and hopefully love me like he did." I tell her.

"Okay." She accepts.

"C'mon. Let's go to bed." I unwrap my arms from her and walk back into the lounge, flicking off the light switch before getting into bed.

I match my breathing to the others who are already asleep and soon fall into a blissful unconsciousness.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now