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Chapter 15: Angry Hick Store

Based on Season 4, Episode 8


The store is crowded with a suffocating amount of people to the point where I don't even know if I want to go in or not. But nevertheless, I adjust my jacket and walk into the store. My eyes land on a very post-apocalyptic-looking weapon, the railway rifle. I have only ever seen these in Fallout 4 and so I run to the display with excitement, followed by Max and Erica.

My hand grazes over the weapon with admiration and I grab it, along with the railway spikes needed for ammunition. This weapon should be illegal. 

"I think that'll do." Steve comes around the corner.

Just as we are about to pay for our things and leave the store, the Basketball team rounds our corner and notices us. Instead of paying, we leave the store and run back to the caravan, all of our items in hand. I toss my railway rifle to the side and buckle myself into a seat. Bax flies over to me and lands on my shoulder, shielding me because he senses danger.

"What's going on?" Eddie asks.

"Lucas, your old friends are here." Steve gets into the driver's seat.

Lucas looks confused at first until he looks out the window and sees Jason along with two other members of the basketball team run towards us just as Steve drives off, and I see Jason kick the dirt before cursing profusely.


Steve parks us in a safe spot on the hill where Dustin used his radio tower that one time and we all pile out to prepare our weapons. Dustin and Eddie making shields, Lucas and Erica making spears, and Nancy and Max cutting off the barrel of her gun. Steve and Robin make molotovs in the corner while I load my spike gun.

And for the first time since this all started, I think we all feel calm. Even while preparing for a battle we are almost sure to lose our lives in, Eddie and Dustin are play fighting and even Lucas and Erica are getting along.

The peace is almost long enough to revel in as everyone starts packing up everything back into the caravan. Bax lands on my shoulder after having been out hunting for rats and purrs into my ear.

"Are you all ready to go?" I ask, getting up from the box I was sitting on and walking over to the vehicle. 

Eddie walks into the caravan and closes the door behind him, confusing me. He walks over to me and places his hands on my waist.

"Look, we might die soon, and there may never be another time for me to do this so.." His words confuse me even more.

I open my mouth to say something but before I can, Eddie pushes his lips against mine and my eyes flutter closed. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back passionately while he wraps me in a warm embrace. 

After a few moments, I back away from the kiss and sit down in the seat behind me.

"Well, now you definitely can't die on me, Eds." I laugh.

"And you better not die either. You still owe me that date, remember?" He reminds me.

"Yes, Yes, I do," I say.

Eddie debates something in his mind for a bit and then slips a skeleton ring off his finger, grabbing my hand and placing it in it.

"I want you to have this. Just in case- Just in case I don't make it." He says.

"Eddie, you're gonna make it." I try giving it back to him but he stops me.

"Keep it. Please."

I hesitate before nodding.

Just in case.

Dustin opens the door and looks between the both of us.

"Are you two okay? You're both really red. Are you sick?" He asks.

"Yes Dustin, we're fine," I reply as everyone else piles into the caravan.

Each person sits next to their respective weapons and Eddie sits down next to me. I slowly reach down to grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. He doesn't look at me, but I see the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

I'm going to protect this man, even if I die trying.


Short chapter today sorry.

Not Edited.

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