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Chapter 11: I Kinda Can't Swim

Based on Season 4, Episode 6


We follow Dustin, who is using his compass as a navigator. I see Eddie getting a bit twitchy beside me and I use slight mind control to make him feel calm. I watch as his eyes narrow, confused by the odd sense of comfort.

"It was just me, Eddie." I chuckle.

"Oh. Thanks, I guess."

The forest around is almost too dark to see through and I accidentally kick multiple rocks.

"I think we're almost there-" Eddie reaches to grab Dustin before he can fall into the lake.

"I thought I recognized this part of the woods." Eddie stares out at the deep blue waters ahead darkly.

I gesture for Eddie to follow me and he seems to understand, walking over to an oddly shaped bush. I pull the camouflage bushes out of the way to reveal the old wooden boat from Rick's house. Together, we pull it out onto the sand and Steve joins in to push it onto the water. He holds it in place as Nancy and Robin get on. I step up and into the boat, helping Eddie get on.

Looking out at everyone still on land, I realise how much of us there actually is. We can't take everyone.

I watch as Dustin tries to come onto the boat and Nancy stops him.

"Hey, this boat can't take all of us. Adults only." She says.

"What? Y/n isn't even an adult!" He whines.

"Well I don't see you being able to mind control other worldly creatures any time soon. Just- keep an eye on Max and Lucas, okay." She reasons.

"No you keep an eye on them!" He tries to get on and this time Eddie stops him.

"Hey, buddy. Please? We'll be safe can you just- please, keep those two safe, for me?" He tries.

Dustin sighs before giving him a bro hug, back pats and all and I smile. Eddie gets back into the boat, adjusting his jacket.

Steve pushes the boat on to the lake, hopping in and sloshing water inside. I pull my feet up to my chest and he starts rowing. Robin keeps watch of the compass, instructing Steve on direction and Nancy tags in. I feel Eddie wordlessly wrap an arm around me, pulling me towards him.

"You'll be fine, if anything happens I'll protect you." He whispers.

I nod in silent thanks.

Suddenly Steve stops rowing, trying to keep us in the same place and I look up from my knees. Eddie quickly retracts his arm, not wanting to be told off by anyone.

"It's here." Steve says.

"Alright one of us has to go down." He adds, standing up and 

"Is it too late to mention I can't swim guys?" I chuckle nervously, watching Steve take his shirt off and then wrap a bag around the torch.

"Y/n. I have known you for two years. One, you have the power of mind control, how can you not do something as menial as swimming? And two, how come you never thought to mention this maybe- before we were out on the water?" Robin gives me a crazed smile, her eye twitching in annoyance.

I shrug, "Never thought about it."

"Oh my god, well you best be lucky we're not all going down there." Nancy adds.

"Yet." I chuckle.

Steve looks down into the water, breathing in deeply to calm his nerves. Eddie taps his shoulder,

"Hey man, good luck down there."

Steve throws his shirt at Eddie who looks down at it with a confused look. Eddie then grabs a cigarette, flicking his lighter open. Robin flicks the blunt out of his fingers which makes me laugh.

"Gross dude, not the right time." She says.

Eddie starts bouncing his knee slightly and starts fiddling with his hands as Steve jumps into the water below. The boat rocks as it tries to right it's self.

"Eddie stop being so twitchy, you'll worry the others." I grab his hand.

His knee stops bouncing and he turns to look at me. I watch him awkwardly as he just stares at me with a look of admiration.

"You got a staring problem, Eddie?" I chuckle.

"No uh... you're just uhm- really pretty." He forces out.

I feel my face get a bit warm and I let go of his hand, turning away so he doesn't see. In my peripheral vision I see him frown. I look back at him and he quickly turns stoic.

"I didn't mean it like that Eddie, thank you for the compliment." I give a small smile.

He looks down and kicks a piece of fruit to the side. Everyone is silent for a moment until I can't take it anymore.

"So! Nancy, I guess you didn't think we would be going for a swim today because that outfit is just gonna weigh you down." I say.

She gives me a look and I raise my hands.

"Hey, no judgement I'm just saying. It looks good but it's not practical."

Eddie lets out a snort and I turn to look at him.

"Your not helping ya goof." I lightly slap his arm.

"Hey uh- Steve's been down there for a while. Don't you think we should go down there-" Robin starts when suddenly bubbles start rising to the surface aggressively and Steve appears.

"Okay I found the portal, It's just a small one but still-" He isn't able to finish his sentence as something suddenly pulls him into the water.

"Steve? Steve! This isn't funny." Robin stands.

Nancy immediately gets up and prepares to jump in to the water when Eddie stops her.

"Wait, you're not going in there are you?" He asks.

I stand up as Robin starts explaining to me the basics of swimming.

"So I just hold my breath and go like this yeah?" I move my arms around.

"Oh yeah and you gotta kick too." She adds.

I nod and Eddie starts freaking out.

"You aren't seriously all going in there." He whines.

"Yeah, lets go. Come on Eddie you can do it." I tell him.

Nancy leaps into the water and disappears below the surface, along with Robin. I kiss Eddie on the cheek.

"You'll be okay, just follow me. You can do this." I assure him.

I put my hands above my head, pointing them down and diving into the water how Robin said to. The murky darkness fills my eyesight and I push onward towards the red glow deep down.


Not Edited.

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