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Chapter 14: Nancy's Run-In With The Devil

Based on Season 4. Episode 8


A panic arose in everyone as they rush to Eddie's room and destroy his stacks of cassettes, searching for something that might help Nancy before Vecna can dig his claws into her.

"What are we even looking for?!" Eddie shouts in panic.

"Madonna, Blondski, Bowie? Music! We need music!" Robin yells.

Eddie picks up one of his Metallica cassettes and shoves it in her face.

"This. Is. Music!"

Meanwhile, I run back to the living room where Nancy and Steve are still in the Upside Down and tears roll down poor Stevie's cheeks as his Love doesn't respond to his pleas for her to awaken. Suddenly, as if by nothing but her own mind, Nancy snaps back to herself and falls to the ground. Steve is quick to grab her and cradle her against his chest as he whispers words of safety to her. He then helps her onto her feet and up the rope to this side.

The others all come into the room and see Nancy shaking on the couch, fear written over her features. And I can see in her mind, the darkness. We won't save Hawkins. And Eddie- I won't let that happen to him. I can't.

Before Nancy can even open her mouth, I stop her.

"Nancy. You can't tell El. You won't tell anyone." I state.

"What are you talking about?" Robin questions.

"It really doesn't matter, Robin. Leave it." Nancy holds my gaze for a few seconds. Fear still swirls in her eyes at the thought of what I might do to her.

"Eddie, where can we get weapons? A lot of them. We are gonna need some if we want to win this battle. And we will win." Steve stops my talking.

"Woah woah woah. We can't kill Vecna. He would kill us first! Nancy is only alive because HE let her go." He raises his voice.

"Well lucky for you Steve, I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion. And I'll go defeat him myself if I damn well have to. He needs to be stopped and if we don't do anything then we will all die." I rant, Bax growing restless.

Everyone goes silent.

"I have seen what happens to Hawkins. And it's not just going to affect us. Our families. Our friends. Hey, even Jason." Eddie flinches at the name.

"Okay, but Vecna is crazy powerful. How are we supposed to defeat him? We know nothing." Robin asks.

"Well, what we do know is that he's a number, like Eleven. And that gives us an upper hand." Dustin says.

"How so?" Erica questions.

"We know El's strengths. And her weaknesses-"

"-Weaknesses?" Erica scoffs.

"Yes. Whenever El mind travels, she goes into this trance-like state. I'm sure the same is true for One. And probably even for Y/n? Right?" Dustin starts.

"Well only when I wanna find old memories. Newer ones are easy." I say, remembering how long it took to find some of Billy's happiest memories.

"Yeah, see? So Vecna will be vulnerable when that happens. Which is the perfect time to strike." The curly-haired boy finishes.

"Then I say we get to planning," Robin says.


"Do you have to wear that ridiculous mask, Eds? It looks stupid and it's not even Halloween. Plus, how am I supposed to see your handsome face, pretty boy?" I whine as Eddie slips on the Micheal Myers mask from Maxine's first Halloween here.

"Do you want me to be caught by the police?" He shrugs.

"Of course not." I sigh.

On Eddie's signal, we all creep behind a caravan in the trailer park near his house and Eddie searches for an openable window. Once he finds one, he jumps inside, followed by myself and everyone else. Bax flies in through the window with ease and lands on a soft cushion, nuzzling himself into it and taking a nap. Eddie pulls the cheap mask off and breathes a gust of air.

"God, that was suffocating." He walks to the front of the caravan and sits down in the driver's seat, pulling out some wires from inside the car.

"Pass me the pliers would ya, princess?" He nods to the bag next to him while still holding the exposed wires.

I hand him the tool and then rest my head in my hands, watching Eds hotwire the soon-to-be stolen vehicle. Robin sidles up next to us and puts a hand on the back of the seat.

"Hey uh, Eddie? I don't really think I'm okay with being in a car driven by you." She laughs awkwardly.

"Oh I'm just starting this sucker, Harrington's got her. Don't ya big boy." Eddie smirks at the fluffy-haired male.

Soon there's a bang as the caravan roars to life and the owners start yelling profanities. Eddie lets out a laugh as he jumps out of the driver's seat and Harrington clasps hands with him, getting into the seat.

"Everybody grab onto something, this is gonna get real." I chuckle.

I almost trip over as Steve steps on the gas but a hand catches me and pulls me towards its owner in protection. I fall into Eddie's lap as I steady myself in the vehicle. Once we are on more even ground, I realize where I am and a blush spreads over my face like wildfire as I jump up from where I am.

"Uhh, sorry. Uhm. Thank you, for not letting me fall over." I say, heading to the back of the caravan where the kids are.

"How are you holding up there, Max?" I ask the fiery redhead.

"I could be better. But, I could always be better so It's nothing new." She shrugs.

"Alright well, if you need anything, I'll be just up with Eds, alright?" I nod.

She thanks me and I head back to the table where Eddie is sitting and I slide into the seat in front of him. Looking over at Bax, the little bat is fast asleep, snoring quietly.

The drive is silent between Eddie and I, neither of us feeling uncomfortable just sitting in each other's presence. And before I know it, Steve speaks up to us all in the back.

"We're here guys."

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now