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Chapter 3: Messed Up In The Head

Based on Season 4, Episode 1


I fold my arms as the final battle is about to take place. Mike cracks his knuckles and Dustin stretches his arms behind his head.

"But there is one you do not recognize. His skin shriveled, and desiccated. Not only is he missing his left arm... but also.. his left eye!" Eddie acts out the part as the players cry in protest.

"No way! We killed Vecna ages ago!" Mike shouts.

"So it was thought my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna lives!" Eddie smirks.

"So. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?" Eddie crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

"I say we fight." Dustin declares.

"To the death?" Mike follows.

"To the death." Erica agrees.

"To the death!" The whole group starts chanting and smacking the table.

Eddie clasps his hands together and laughs; preparing for the final battle of the campaign.


The group takes their turns, multiple of them reaching 0 hit points with very little health left on the remaining.

"Alright. We need to figure this out." Gareth says to his team.

The party leaves the table to have a circle talk and Eddie meets my eyes.

"How come a gorgeous woman like you is hanging out with a bunch of kids?" He asks.

"I'm only a year older than them." I chuckle.

His eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? I would have thought you were at least 18." He sighs.

"Guess I don't have a chance now." He laughs.

"I didn't say I don't like older guys. You're only 3 years older." I smirk.

Dustin slowly turns to look at me with a look of utter disgust. I look back at Eddie and he laughs.

"You guys done your decision-making yet?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah. Just remember though, there's no shame in running." Eddie reminds them and they turn back around to their circle.

They continue muttering to each other before turning back to their Dungeon Master.

"Let's kill the son of a bitch." Dustin says.

I smirk and nod at them.

"The chances of success are 20 to 1, Dustin." A guy I didn't quite catch the name of speaks.

"Don't ever tell me the odds," Dustin says, looking at the board in front of them.

"Give me the D20." He holds out his hand.

I snatch up the die and toss it to him. He catches it and cups his hands together. Shaking his arms, he closes his eyes before looking down at the mini figurine of Vecna and tossing the die on the board.

It rolls forward and lands face up, but his hyped-up friends all look unimpressed as it rolls a measly 11.

"That's a miss," I tell him and he throws his hands up in the air, grabbing the die and handing it to Erica.

I fold my arms as the small girl shakes her hands for a while, preparing to roll her move and the group leans forward eagerly. I even notice the interest sparked in myself as I watch the rolling dice across the board.

It appears as if everything moves in slow motion. The party's eyes widen as she rolls a shiny 20. I jump up from my seat and start giving high fives to all the group members.

Eddie jumps up from his seat and claps his hands together, knocking over the Vecna figurine.

"Congrats guys! You did it." I smile like a proud mother.

Cheers can be heard from inside the gym only a couple of halls away and I frown. I'm gonna have to make it up to Lucas somehow.

I see Eddie walking up to me in my peripheral vision and I turn to look at him.

"Hey. Do you think I could have your number? I don't meet many girls that play Dungeons and Dragons." He asks.

"Sure. You've proven yourself cool in my books. Give me your arm." I grab a black pen from the table and hold his wrist still.

I quickly write down my home phone number on his arm and pull his sleeve up a little. Black ink covers his arm, snakes and roses and many others images painted across his skin drift upwards to his shoulder and probably his torso. I run my fingers over each intricate detail of the art with awe. Quickly, I snap out of my stupor and stop moving. I look up at his face and into his deep brown eyes.

Feeling my face get warm, I turn away, pulling his sleeve back down and letting go of his arm.

"Dustin let's go find Lucas. Mike, you should take Erica home." I instruct them.

The game is packed up and we all head outside to the commotion, the team cheering for their victory.

I see Lucas across from us, looking at his sister and I wave to him. Before he can wave back, a member of his basketball team taps his shoulder and he joins them to wherever it is that they are going.

"I'm gonna go home, guys. I'm pretty tired." I tell the group, hugging Mike and Dustin before I go.

I give Eddie one last look before walking over to the bike stand and grabbing mine, sitting down on it and riding back to the comfort of my own home.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now