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Chapter 18: Strange Occurrences

A few weeks later...


I lay upside down on Max's bed in her small bedroom, a newer issue of the Wonder Women comics on the floor in front of me as I flip through the pages. Max sits on the floor cross-legged between me and the comic with her own copy of another superhero of some sort called Galactus. Quiet Pink Floyd plays in the background to fill the silence as we read our different books in peace.

Our comfortable silence is broken by Max fist pumping the air and cheering in excitement.

"What happened?" I ask with curiosity.

"Galactus just brought Doctor Strange back to life! Strange is my favourite character of like- all time!" She exclaims.

"Oh my god, I know right? He's so hot." I gush.

"Hey! That's my husband!" She laughs.

"Oh right, I've got Eddie, totally forgot non-fictional men existed for a second." I snort.

We both laugh at the joke for a while before our moment is cut short by a loud bang on Max's window.

I catch a glimpse of a bird falling and we both get up to go outside to the poor animal. Max frowns at the struggling creature writhing in pain before it slowly stops moving and I purse my lips at the sight. Max's visible sadness is noticed through her features as she walks over to the small bird and crouches down next to it, looking at it with disdain.

"I'll uhm, go put it in the bin..." Max sighs.

She picks up the dead bird and holds it carefully while looking down at it before we walk over to the trash bin. Max stares at it, I assume hoping for the poor thing to be fine, she looks down at it for a while longer before opening the bin. Just as she goes to place the bird in the trash can, it suddenly twitches and flutters before hopping up and looking at us. It chirps a bit before splaying out its wings and flying away from us at lightning pace.

I stand in shock, slowly turning to Max who has a shocked look on her face, still with her hands out as if her brain hadn't quite comprehended that the bird was gone. She quickly snaps out of her trance and looks at me with a look of slight fear and confusion.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask the redhead.

"I have no clue, but whatever did happen was sure as hell not normal, you saw the bird was dead, right? I'm not crazy, that definitely wasn't just me." She tries to assure herself.

"That bird was definitely dead Max. It didn't move when you picked it up." I cement her words.

She seems to have an internal battle with herself before deciding not to say anything about it and just turns to go back inside, walking up the stairs and going back into her room.

We both sit down on her bed in silence, the events from a moment ago still fresh in our minds.

"That was seriously really weird though-" Max cuts me off quickly.

"Can we just stop talking about it? I don't want to talk about this ever again." She huffs.

The room falls silent again and I check the clock on her wall for the time.

"Steve's gonna be here to pick me up soon y'know. Is there anything you wanna do before he does?" I ask her.

She just leans back into her pillows and shakes her head, crossing her arms and sighing.

"Alright well, I'm gonna go wait outside for him so... It was nice hanging out with you Max. See you next time I guess." I get up from her bed and leave her room, saying goodbye to her mother before walking out of their house and sitting down on the steps while I wait for Steve to come get me.


The trees whoosh past as Steve drives us to the cabin in the woods where most of us hang out. It's sort of become the hang out spot for us all as its far enough away from everyone to where there is no one listening in on our conversations and we can all have some peace from the world. 

It has also become Eddie's new home as he cannot go out and needed somewhere to stay. His uncle has been told of his location and often visits from time to time.

I gaze out the window of the car while thinking about the situation with Max. 

'She was acting so strange today.'  I think.

First her reaction to the dead bird, and then it came back to life? What the hell was going on today. More strange occurrences after we only just got rid of Vecna for the moment. Can't we all just have a normal day for once with out any of this supernatural bullshit. I know I'm one to talk with all of these powers I have but It's not like I use them all the time. In fact I don't use them.

Soon we reach our destination and I hop out of the car and walk up the steps to the front porch of the cabin. The door opens before I can reach it and my favorite person opens the door with a huge smile on his face. I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug as his scent surrounds me.

"Hey princess, how was you're day?" He hugs me back and places his head on top of mine.

"It was good Eddie, me and Max saved a bird that flew into her window." I twist the story a bit.

I end the hug and we both go inside, Steve driving off with a wave and we sit down on the couch with Eleven who is stuffing her face full of waffles while Mike sits on the floor next to her.

They both stare dead-eyed at the random cartoon playing on the television set with emotionless faces.

"Yo are you guys good? You look like you haven't slept at all." I ask them.

"That's because we haven't slept at all. Eleven says she's been getting weird visions of the future and it's been waking her up so she decided to call me and we stayed up all night talking." Mike sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"Dude, get some sleep! You have school next week, you need to get back into a regular sleep schedule oh my lord. We can't keep worrying about the supernatural when we have normal lives to get back to." I say even though I spend most of my nights staying up till three in the morning on the phone with either Robin or Eddie half the time anyways.

"And don't forget Eleven has to go back to Lenora in 4 days." I remind the both of them.

Mike groans in annoyance and leans his head against Eleven's leg.

Eddie puts his arm over my shoulder and I settle in next to him as the room quiets and we all sit together watching the wacky cartoon.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now