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Chapter 5: Man Hunt For Eddie

Season 4, Episode 2


After a while of pointless calls and waiting, we finally reach something that we can work with.

"Reefer Rick? And this Reefer Rick, does he have a last name? No? Okay. Thank you, bye." Max hangs up from her latest call.

"Okay guys, I might have a lead." Her words make the others jump in excitement.

"Really?" My eyes light up at the chance to see Eddie again.

"Yep, a guy named Reefer Rick. Eddie buys drugs from him and crashes there sometimes." She explains.

"Oh, I know who that is, drug dealer. He won't be home but Eddie might still be hiding there." I say.

"Are you- Do you do drugs?" Max asks.

"What? No! I used to." I chuckle.

"We should go to the cops about this," Steve interjects.

"That's the shittiest idea I've ever heard." I spit out.

"Yeah, no. We are not getting the police involved." Dustin says.

"I just think maybe we should fill them in on what we know," Steve suggests.

"Maybe we'd have more luck if you actually tried helping instead of trying to replace Nancy," I state bluntly.

Steve immediately shuts his mouth and I regret my choice of words.

The store is silent for a minute before Robin speaks.

"Okay... well what are we waiting for then?" She asks.

"You excited to see your boyfriend?" I quickly cover Dustin's mouth but it's too late.

"What?" Steve and Robin speak at the same time.

"I'm not dating him. I just... gave him my number." I tell them.

"And you didn't tell me?" Robin gasps.

"It's not like he and I are together!" I defend.

"I didn't know that was your type." Steve chuckles.

"Shut up." I slap his arm.

"Let's just go." I finish the conversation.

Steve holds open the door, swinging his keys around his finger.

Butterflies fill my stomach and I try to ignore the happiness that blossoms at the chance to see Eddie again.


Slamming the car door. I gaze up at the beautiful trees beside Lover's Lake, I used to come here with Billy quite a lot when he was still around.

I smile fondly at the memory and walk to the house that sits on the bank of the lake.

Dustin rings the doorbell but it's no use. No one answers.

"Eddie! It's Dustin! We just want to talk. No police. We're here to help!" He shouts out the window.

Max looks at the boat shed over by the water and at the blinding light shining above the door.

"Over here guys," I tell them.

We walk over to the shed and I slowly open the door.

"Eddie? It's Y/n. We just want to talk, I swear we aren't gonna hurt you." I tell the room truthfully.

The others start fanning out and moving objects in the room. Steve walks up to the boat and starts poking at the tarp cautiously.

"Hey. Quit it. Just move the tarp." Dustin whisper-shouts.

"If you're so brave then why don't you move the tarp," Steve argues.

"Steve, stop pokin' the frigging tarp, you might be hurting Eddie if he's under there," I speak in a hushed voice.

"It's okay. Steve will get him with his oar." Dustin smiles sarcastically.

"I know you think you're being funny Henderson but considering everyone in this room has almost died 100 times-" Steve is cut off as Eddie jumps up from under the tarp and holds him against the wall with a broken bottle.

"Holy shit! Jesus Christ." Dustin jumps backwards.

"Eddie! Eddie, stop!" Dustin holds his arm out.

Eddie meets my eyes for a second and then looks at Dustin, not saying a word.

"Eddie. It's me. It's Dustin. These are my friends." He tries to explain calmly.

"This is Steve. Steve's not gonna hurt you, right Steve?" Dustin gives him a stern look.

"Right, yeah." Steve looks into Eddie's eyes with fear.

"Steve. Why don't you drop the oar?" Steve does as he is told and Eddie presses harder into his shoulder from the movement.

"He's cool, he's cool." Dustin tries to get him to let go.

"Yeah man, I'm cool," Steve says quickly.

"What are you doing here," Eddie mutters.

"We're looking for you," I speak.

"Eddie. These are my friends." Dustin gestures to the girls behind him.

"You know Robin. From band?" Robin imitates playing the trumpet.

"And this is Max. The one who never wants to play DnD?" Dustin explains.

"You know Y/n. You got her number just yesterday." He tries to calm Eddie down.

"Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother!" He exclaims.

"Yep. On Dustin's mother." Steve nods quickly.

Eddie is silent for a moment before letting Steve go and sitting down on the ground. I slowly approach him and sit in front of him, crossing my legs. I take both his hands into mine and stare deeply into his eyes.

"What happened last night, Eddie? The truth." I tell him softly.

"You won't believe me." He mutters.

"Try us." I offer.

He looks into my eyes for a moment before looking down and starting his story.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now